posted on Jun, 21 2016 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to:
Good post Dragoon. My take?
We don't need the concept of alien invasion or asteroid impact or super volcano or any other cataclysmic even to bolster your conjectures. The course
of human development can account for much of it.
First and foremost our scholars have known for a long time that civilizations come and go. Even continent spanning civilizations. We have had the
Greek fall and the Roman fall and the Egyptian fall to tell us this now for centuries. For those who have paid attention it has been clear that no
matter how advanced or how controlled or how successful a civilization is, they have always fallen. Now we also have not only those famous falls of
Western Civ, our knowledge of ancient civilizations has spread to the huge number all around the world that have fallen, many to be buried in the
jungle, others in the sand and others beneath the sea.
This alone is enough to spur those with the knowledge to try to prepare for another fall. The HOW to prepare is the question that divides the powers
that be. As you suggest, they are not unified, and as I suspect many are not nefarious.
Some still think that we can make things better, that the trends of history can be challenged and altered. Others most likely do not think this. Your
idea of those who prepare for doom is most likely very very real. I think they have bought and prepared their redoubts and their enclaves and bunkers.
Not just a hole dug under my house but vast and fortified and defensible installations.
As we look at the world now, it has never in recorded history been this full of people. Where once we were roving tribes and settling tribes that grew
into city states and nations and civilizations, now we basically fill the world with one large world wide civilization. Anyone with an ounce of common
sense and a knowledge of history can see that it is a safe bet that this one too will crumble.
Into this mix is a lot more knowledge that scholars have garnered. The ecologists, the naturalists the psychologists and on and on. Add all of these
schools together and it is easy to consider that we, for the most part are out of control. That we grow and expand, use and deplete and to a large
degree destroy almost everything in our path. And those scholars have been writing papers and books on this subject for a century warning us and still
we go on with little change in our behavior.
So yes, I think that those with this knowledge and the resources to prepare to endure the coming collapse are doing so. They will not only preserve
their own life support but the wealth of our arts and sciences along with them in preparation for a time when they and their descendants can carry on.
And why would they tell us, i'd only freak us out and bring it about that much sooner.
Good luck to ya.