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Lost my dog Sunday night and now near breaking point, please help.

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posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: texasgirl

While not really a cat person, they seem to all look at me with a 'I know what you're up to AND I DON'T LIKE IT!' expression although I'm led to believe that's how cats look at everybody, I can understand. When I'm without a dog and I mean the very few times when I couldn't look after a dog due to family issues and or work, I'd go to other peoples houses who had dogs and was extremely jealous. It's a bond you get with pets that's unlike anything you have with a human being. They love you no matter what, they want to be you no matter what (although I think most cats tend to like their own spaces) and even when you're down and miserable (like I've been for the last two days) they're there to help you out and pick you up.

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 11:35 PM
a reply to: Dwoodward85

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: Dwoodward85
I am in Scotland and we can get Bachs Rescue Remedy here so ought to be no problem for you. Its Made by Nelsons. Holland and Barrets sell it but try online you may find it cheaper elsewhere. It will help.

edit on 24-6-2016 by alienscot1 because: add info

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: alienscot1

Okay I'll have to look into it and have to try her out on them. Thanks.

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 11:33 PM

We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own live within a fragile circle...even though 13 years seems like a very long time.

We wish you the best.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: thorfourwinds

So very true. The curse of being an animal lover.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: Dwoodward85

Very sorry for your loss, I know how it feels. Buried my Rottweiler/Shepherd mix 10 years ago and it still brings tears to my eyes. Someone was kind enough to give me a memorial item I could put in my home or yard, at the time it seemed trivial, but I understand now that they were showing me they understood it was a permanent pain for permanent love, and I greatly appreciate it. If you would like, I will do the same for you. Pm me if you consider this acceptable. Again, sorry for your loss.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: Natas0114

Thank you that is a very nice offer. I have no clue how to PM people. I've been on this site for a while but don't know the ins and outs. I have already been sent a very nice gift to remember my dogs by from my sister. While they don't exactly look like my dogs I have already named them Playboy (white one) and Midnight (tanned). I really do appreciate it though. Kind words have helped me through this big time. I'm done with the constant crying, though I'll admit it does come back every so often and I had a weep last night when it was pointed out to me that Midnight is the same age as Playboy when he passed and so I was reacting to the realisation that she may be gone soon as well.

I will say that the cost of using a vet is ridiculous. Four hundred quid for an X-Ray, yes they tried charging for one X-Ray that price. I'm glad there is such things as PDSA (a vet charity that helps animals and gives medicine for donations).

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 02:56 PM
I have 2 elderly American bull terriers. They are showing their age and there are have been many nights that I wonder if they will be there in the morning. They are not sick, or in pain,...just old. Thank goodness that dog had you as the owner.
You loved that dog and I know that your dog loved you. Dogs have a special spirit. They love unconditionally. And I believe that they are here to teach us to love in that same way. Please do not give up on dogs. Honor your friend by adopting another dog. Preferably, an older, or special needs dog. You might be surprised to find out that black dogs and cats are considered "special needs" in many parts of the states. A black dog or cat is usually the last to be adopted. A lot of times, the adoption fee is even waived. Without people willing to take them in, these animals would spend eternity a no-kill shelter, or worse yet, shipped off to another shelter that my not be a "no-kill". Most shelter euthanize pets within 10 days and some as little as 3. Go asap and get a new buddy to love.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: Dwoodward85

I haven't logged into ATS for quite some time and when I do it's usually light, silly stuff I post.
You're post really got to me. I could feel your pain and it brought me back to the loss of my own dog.
I'm so very sorry you are dealing with this. I wish I could say something that would help ease you but I know there is very little anyone can say or do. The loss of your beloved friend is something most have to endure on their own. It is a private pain that won't release you for some time, if ever, I'm afraid. I have no doubt you gave the most unselfish part of you to your beloved dog when you laid with him for the last time. You put your pain aside to comfort him. Through my own teary eyes it's apparent how much he mean't to you and that is the most humble and loving thing you could have ever done for him. You were there when he needed you most. Again, I'm so very sorry for your loss. His life was certainly a beautiful one because you had each other. I hope peace finds you my friend.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: Dwoodward85

Anything to help, and yes vet prices are terrible, my poor mutt was going through kidney failure due to diabetes, and four vets later, a simple blood test showed the problem. 8 days hospital and 2500$ later, I got him back for a few years more. At the time I was broke and they helped me with a payment plan. Anyhow, I'm glad your not offended by my offer, and if your ever in the u.s. stop on by. Good luck mate. And remember, your hound is in heaven chasing critters and eating bacon by the pound... you'll see em again and play once more.. ( unless god is a squirrel, then we're proper screwed...) keep your chin up.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: smcneil01

Thanks for your kind words, they do really help. It's horrible losing pets. I only wish they'd get to live as long as we do but sadly that wasn't part of the plan. I hate the fact that he isn't here anymore but have enough pictures and as someone else said on here, thirteen years of memories. I'm getting used to coming through the front door and not having him charge down and crash into me wanting to say hello but his sister is there with her tail wagging.

My Mother, has been looking at new pets she is getting herself a husky puppy in four weeks. I didn't want to get another dog for a while, I just wanted to push through this and deal with it but I'm honestly getting much better. It still snatches me back to how I was on Monday and Tuesday but I just look at my Midnight (Dog) and realise that me being upset all the time is affecting her, and although she's grieving just as much as me I should try to put on a smile. The one good thing is soon enough she'll have a little puppy to take care of and I know it'll light up her life because she clearly hates being alone.

I am managing to get through hard time thanks to all the kind words on here and yours adds to the list. I really owe all you guys a beer.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: Bachrk

I did adore him. I have no children and not really the out going let's be friends type of guy and have always been seen as somewhat odd in the world and while I've never been bothered with how people see me it can be a lonely life and having the dogs made it feel a lot better. I have to live without him for a very long time (I hope) but I do get that I'll be with him again one day even if I have to sneak into the doggy door. I've got the memories and a ton of pictures and videos to remember him by and even if the next dog I get is the greatest of all dogkind I'll never forget my Playboy.

The words you've given and all the others have given me have really helped. You all should know that I was in a place that I've never been in before. Even after losing my grandfather and almost losing Mum a few years back I was in a really strange place that felt like I was out of control and I felt broken and didn't know what I was going to do and it scared me but you guys here have helped in untold ways. I said on another comment that I owe you all a bear but I think I might owe more than that.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: Natas0114

It is disgusting how they get away with daylight robbery. If you'd have seen the vets I had visited you'd think it was charging very little because the place was a wreck. And yh I'm sure he's in heaven chasing everything he can, he had this strange fettish for bottles. He loved to chew on the top and looked proud of himself when he'd managed to crush it lol and man I hope God isn't a squirrel because Playboy really hated those.

Your words help more than you know. As I said in another comment I was in a place within myself that I'd never been before. I was just stuck in a feeling of despare and all you guys, I'll call you my ATS Family helped drag me back from that place and although I still have the odd cry and I have his collar hanging on the wall and touch it and pat his bed on the way out the door and have spoken to him a few times, I'm getting back to normal and I really do owe you all a big thank you.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: Dwoodward85
My male Ridgeback passed away mid November, just shy of his 20th birthday. We knew that our girl was not going to last very long. She moped, and whined, almost all day, and all night. My cat, that thinks he is a dog, tried everything he could to console her. He slept with her, he washed her, he rubbed her, and kneaded her, but it didn't help much.

She developed a tumor on her tongue and her hind leg. They were removed and were benign. When she started developing one on her side, I decided to stop with the commercial food, and starting cooking her food myself. It really wasn't any more expensive, and I could control what was in it, and what she ate. The tumor on her side actually starting getting smaller. I thought all was well, until I saw one of her nipples was swollen. It grew so fast I thought it was a cyst, but the Vet said it was a rapidly growing tumor.

Thank God it did not cause her any pain, but it started to interfere with her ability to hold her urine, so she had to go do her business almost every hour. When it got so large that she had trouble walking, and it started to opened up, the Vet said it was time to let her go, while she was still happy and pain free. We lost her the first week of May, one month before her thirteenth birthday.

It was harder on my mother than it was on me, because Caleb imprinted on me, and our girl imprinted on my mother. The hardest thing is the quiet. Both of them were very quiet dogs, Ridgebacks are not barkers, but I can't get over how quiet the house is without them.

I understand what you are going through. The only thing that helps me, is thinking back to all the happy times. The mischievous smiles they would display, when they knew they had been caught, and knowing that they had a wonderful life, and died without pain.

edit on 25-6-2016 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: Clean up.

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: Dwoodward85

Your very welcome and you don't owe us anything. People are supposed to help one another, even in this day and age. And I still have my pups hanker chief that he wore everyday, it's on my shifter handle in my work truck. I talk to him everyday, and thankfully it doesn't hurt as much as it used to. One more thing, we're all born with "blood" but you find your family, 2 legs or 4, white, or black, man or beast, it's all about understanding and compassion for one another.

posted on Jun, 26 2016 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Sorry about your loss as well. It's always the coming home part that is one of the worse parts for me. Opening the door and not seeing two faces at the top of the stairs but one. Midnight, (my other dog) is the quieter of the two she sort of just lies around and looks at me when we're not in the garden and she's not trying to fight the gnomes. When she isn't demanding to be played with that is. Playboy was the louder of the two, he would let me know when he was bored, he'd walked up to the bed or couch depending on where we were he'd carry his ball in his mouth and plop it on your lap and stare at you as if to say 'Playtime!'

It kills that he isn't here and yeah the good memories help but like I said on another comment I have pictures of him on my pc, facebook page, twitter, all over the walls, his lead hanging on the wall and his name tag on my keys when I go out and have just put together a keyring with his picture in it so yh I won't forget him lol.

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