For over a year I've been visiting this site at least once a day. I just got my own computer...I've been using everyone elses. Now I can get more
involved in the conversations. Looking forward to soon..
Ahoy! It is always good to investigate before getting your feet wet, matey. Welcome aboard the ATS, the secret to survival in these waters not drink rum with a parrot with a wooden leg who thinks he is Black Beard.
Aye, First mate, you have the helm steer the course to ATS.
potato boy, First you will need to explain to me how did you came up with your Handle? I'm guessing your not from Iowa... Welcome, After a year,
you must be full of potatos.... Share some of those thoughts...
I use the name potato boy because my friends joke around with me and call me that once in a while because I manage a restaurant/bar that sells the
most french fries in Toronto...therefore potatoes overrun the place....
"Hey potato boy....get me another beer"