This is a short comedy sketch series I started working on. Inspired by the silliness of ALL paranormal shows. I myself research the paranormal (my
views are weird on it, long story) and have seen some silly egos along the way, in real life and TV. So out of nowhere I got the idea to take some
images of popular paranormal shows and terribly photoshop the images to make my own and tell a story.
The story is completely improvised. I throw the images together and kind of get a base idea of some dialogue. Then I record the dialogue, unscripted,
while I watch the finished product. I only have two episodes so far. The first episode was basically feeling out the characters and this one here, the
2nd episode, I feel is much better.
Remember this is meant to be all in fun, not meant to belittle personal views. Like I said, I am fascinated with the paranormal and all things weird.
I have no clue where this crazy plot might go, for example the ending came out of nowhere, I had a different idea then all the sudden the final
version popped in my head. It's a fun process and I'm really enjoying making these.
Part 3 of my weird story following, Zak, Scully and Jason as the set out to bust some ghosts. In this episode the trio call upon the help of their
friendly neighborhood exorcist. Zak battles his demons! Kind of!
Again, this is inspired by the silliness of ALL paranormal shows. I myself research the paranormal (my views are weird on it, long story) and have
seen some silly egos along the way, in real life and TV.