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What drugs enhance psy abilitys...

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posted on Jul, 8 2003 @ 02:04 PM
Please do not confuse being high with being psychic.

They are two different things. I can attest to that from experience. When I was young dumb and full of, well, you know, I tripped often on '___' thinking it helped me in the arena of mind expansion. What a crock I was filling myself with. All I was really doing was hallucinating, seeing things that weren't there, and interpreting it as "oh yeah, i'm using more of my brain power". BS!!!!! Actually, all you really gain by using drugs for this stuff is a crappy morning after and loss of brain cells, which in turn, makes using or developing those abilities much harder.

Instead, try teas. Camomile (?) is great for relaxing and helping induce a meditative relaxation, without knocking you out. Insence is also great. Different aromas wake up different regions of your brain which will help with developing psychic abilities. Scented candles and oils have the same effect. For some, music will also help with meditation and astral projection (however, I prefer NO distraction).

Please, wake up and smell the roses. NOTHING can be gained for your brain by using drugs. Take it from someone who has been on both sides of the fence.

posted on Jul, 8 2003 @ 05:32 PM
I disagree. The trick is to combine the power of meditation strength with the ego-detachment of the drugs. You should streghthen your mind and meditiation skills before attempting a psychedelic experience from which you wish to gain from. Going into a hardcore psychedelic journey with little knowledge and training is like trying to fly a plane with no prior knowledge of aviation. The outcome could be harmful and then again it might not.

The detachment from self caused by Psychedelic and Dissociative drugs allows those who experience difficulty with remaing in Satori (pure existence) and/or astral projection for extended lengths of time to remain in these states of consciousness for a greatly extended period of time.

On a side note; In ancient Greece there was a religious ceremony and "holy institution" called the Eulisinian mysteries. During which initiates went through a half year of rites and climaxed with a pilgrimage to the ceremony hall in the town of Eleusis where the initiates drank wine contaminated with ergot, which is the fungus '___'-25 is derived from. Some of the notable
initiates include Plato, Socrates, Sophocles, Aristotle, Aeschylus, Pindar, Cicero, and Possibly Homer.

The word psychedelic comes from the greek words "psyche" and "delos"

"psyche"= mind or soul
"delos"= to reveal, to uncover, to discover

posted on Jul, 8 2003 @ 05:35 PM
a good book on this is
Zig Zag Zen: Buddhism and Psychedelics

posted on Jul, 8 2003 @ 06:08 PM
Baal the problem with drugs is that they alter perception by changing the levels of brain chemistry

Whatever happens can only be achieved by using the drug.

Lets take a simple one nicotine, the reason a person becomes addicted to ciggaretes is because nicotine does exist normally in the brain.

When you smoke levels of nicotine in the brain increase, as a result your brain is fooled into believing that these elevated levels are normal.

And so smoking cigarettes becomes something the brain thinks it needs.

With respect to the development of capacities beyond the five senses. The real value is the ability to interact with others under conditions in which the capacity is observable by others.

Lets face it Timothy Leary may have been real popular for promoting '___' but beyond that he did nothing.

Altering you brain chemistry does not make one more psychic it makes you think you are but thinking mean nothing unless you can prove it.

Any Thoughts?

[Edited on 8-7-2003 by Toltec]

posted on Jul, 8 2003 @ 10:33 PM
amaze: did u get that from erowid? is a site all about drugs and pyschic stuff
body and mind

posted on Jul, 8 2003 @ 10:45 PM
No drugs can help. If u rely on them, u will never learn. Don't use them, they are illegal and kill.

posted on Jul, 9 2003 @ 12:45 AM
One must realise we only think, act , feel and know what we do because of evolution, FOR OUR SURVIVAL.
ultimately the chemicals that run our brain have changed over the years. Ask your self if you knew everyones thoughts would you still be able to operate the way you do now. Your thoughts feelings etc are just chemicals running different parts of your brain. (I know it maybe hard to understand but think about it.)

posted on Jul, 9 2003 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by chebob
I'd say staring at that pic of Star Trek Girraffe is a good start. It raises a lot of questions, like......why?

That really made my day! Man what is it with you guys and giraffes? Freakin' funny animals! hehe

Blessings and blessings,

posted on Jul, 9 2003 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
What exactly is "reality" anyway? Anybody have a germ of an idea?

Reality is the subjective perseption you have of the painful illution showing life interacting with it self and the environment in a continous eternity. Reality for me is communication, expression, pain, love, extacy, disaster. Right now it's a wicked view

posted on Jul, 9 2003 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Amaze
I've heard that '___' is supposed to take you to the 4th dimension or maybe it's 5th....

Yes, and you can make it out of your lawn if you have the right equipment if my mind doesn't play trix on me now. Does anyone know if there are any long time side effects with smoking this mind field?


posted on Jul, 9 2003 @ 12:58 PM
What exactly is "reality" anyway? Anybody have a germ of an idea?

if reality is what your body senses, then reality is nothing more than elctromagnetic signals enterpreted by your mind.~morpheous

psy abilities as in psychadellic abilities? one word my friend purple haze. err that was two.

*looks around and runs off*

posted on Jul, 9 2003 @ 03:45 PM
For the other people.... purple haze is a really really good strain of marijuana. Lots of THC.... mmm...... I think I smoked it about 2 weeks ago.... I cant remember

posted on Jul, 9 2003 @ 03:57 PM
If you cannot remember then how exactly does it change what is known???

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 05:07 PM
yeah I got that from erowid....kinda crazy that something that occurs naturally in your brain is illegal...

posted on Jul, 10 2003 @ 05:08 PM
"reality is subordinate to perception" Someone

posted on Jul, 11 2003 @ 08:32 PM
The only way your going to get someone to prove you moved a mountain is with a whole lot of witnesses

posted on Jul, 11 2003 @ 08:36 PM
Yeah, go ahead and take some drugs to improve your psychic abilities. I dare you stupid. Drugs kill your brain. The only psyhic effects it has is when you get to that certain high, you think you can levitate, so you try to walk of roof tops.

posted on Jul, 12 2003 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Echo
The only psyhic effects it has is when you get to that certain high, you think you can levitate, so you try to walk of roof tops.

That was a bit dogmatic wasn't it? There are no doubts that certain herbs and chemicals etc. can be very helpful for some people when taken wisely. Nostradamus for instance used certain drugs to intencify or strengthen his visions and he never jumped off any roofs, and in shamanism drugs are vital. Take a herb like Salvia Divinorum. It's called the herb of Mother Mary since so many people believes to having seen her while chewing it or smoking it. Infact I know quite many people who have been doing quite alot of '___' and other psychedelic drugs, but none of them have ever jumped off cliffs or rooftops believing they could fly. On the other hand I know about several people who have died from alcohol abuse when for instance they have tried to take a piss when in a boat.


posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 12:31 PM
how come a lot of people see reptiles when they're on hard psychedelic drugs ?

posted on Jul, 13 2003 @ 01:09 PM
I don't take drugs but you could research the various herbs that are supposed to enhance psychic abilities. I say supposed to because I only use my herbs for cooking or making tea.

This information is taken from Patricia Telesco's book A Floral Grimoire:

eyebright (Latin name Euphrasia officinalis) - improves a magician's psychic powers
mugwort (Latin name Artemisia vulgaris) - improves psychic awareness

From Gerina Dunwich's book Herbal Magic:

holly - highly valued for its divinatory powers

Safety note, I would not ingest any of the above mentioned herbs but you could burn them as you would a Native American smudge stick (bundle together a bunch of the herbs, tie the bottom of the bundle together with a piece of string, dry the bundle of herbs for up to 1 week, light the bundle of herbs on fire, blow out the fire but let the dried herbs smoulder - now you have just made a REALLY big stick of incense).

I have 2 of those outdoor chimnea thingys that would probably work fine for burning the herb bundle. I don't suggest burning the herbs inside your home unless you have the fire department standing by.

You probably would want to burn the herbs at night hiding in your backyard so the neighbors don't think you're nuts.

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