posted on Jun, 19 2016 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to:
Well, drinking oneself to death and following doomporn sounds kinda morbid... I dont know what you lost other than this song... but I do hope you find
it, as your coping with its loss its stagnating you as if you were dead already... that current of life you posted... of that song, the sunshine and
love almost sounds like you died in that very field.
I hope you wake up do better days, but if its a life you live and love to where youve even set up furniture... it gets to be a place confortable
enough to never fall from again eh? Ive been there several times... one extreme to the other.
Keep trying and eventually one finds their purpose and next thing you know, life and a damned good one with no bottom no top to fall in or be pulled
out of.
Whatever it is youve always freely gave, yet no one has ever seem to give but maybe a little then take away? Thats you. Thats what you are already...
so how can you ever be without what you already are? Hard to recognoze oneself in such a mirror... but when you do? Life really begins... I dont care
if one is 8 or 80 it all just clicks.