posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 10:58 PM
A grenade lobbed at medium range, a sniper off set by a mile, a poison nickle mixed in with the president's change at Denny's, whatever. Terrorists
could build a trebuchet in their apartment, in proximity to the parade route, disassemble it, reassemble it on the roof, and have the means to hurl
goats infected with Anthrax at the procession. My point is, if there were really thousands of arab boogeymen out to hurt you, they would have, or
they will. I think it's been blown out of proportion to help foster a culture of fear. If they wanted to kill that monotone meat puppet, they would
have. Just like if any American freedom fighters cared enough, they would have. Most people know the guy is just a bobble head doll with something
like 13 different special interest fists up his backside. I wouldn't be surprised if the real play makers and back room guys want this moron Bush
dead, because it would take the heat off them a little and help enforce order when all the gasbag, uneducated Kerry-brand liberals go back to watching
the TV just to see the footage of the assasination. Back and to the left. The goat is descending fast, it bleats once before impact. The president
looks up just in time to see the wide, bloodshot, terror stricken eyes of the goat approaching at .5 mach, then the goat takes his head clean off his
body and reveals the tiny naked man sitting at the controls in the jugular region. Back and to the left.
The supposed Al Qaeda was a term made up by Wolfowitz in a meeting. It's a catch all for terrorists who are Muslims or support Muslim causes.
9/11 was a false flag operation. Box cutter wielding terrorists do not have the capability to overcome the most advanced, fully automated missle
defense system in the world, the one that surrounds and protects the Pentagon. Box Cutters don't come with FOF transponders do they, not the last
time I checked.
Limo bombs at least are crimes within the means of Muslim Extremist Terrorists, I would be more inclined to believe something to that effect. I'm
amazed it took our goverment this long just to understand the benefit of plausability when conducting false flag ops.
I think G.W. is going to pull the classic Godfather routine. Some military strike somewhere, or the announcement of aliens, or something. It's too
much pomp and circumstance to just be in bad taste. I can see it now, President Bush walks to the podium, and unzips his face for the camera, then
shrugs in mute, submissive apology.