posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 08:53 PM
The modern American public education system seems to be influenced more by image than by what is indeed best for the children. One such example of
this is the standard omission of all religious practices, and all references to thereof. The mindset of this omission is to prevent racism in the
children before it starts. However, there are factors beyond the educators' control that affect the mindset of the children, such as racist parents.
these poor, uninformed souls who are so close-minded as to be deathly afraid of change and any deviation to their normal routine, applied either by
laziness or just incredible stupidity, actively destroy their child's mind without even thinking about what they are doing as "wrong". The child,
feeding from this hatred of anybody who looks, acts, or talks remotely different, and motivated by the idolizing worship or their parent(s) applies
this racist mentality in his everyday life, namely in school, which is what dominates most of the child’s life at that point. The public school,
afraid of this racist mentality seeping into the rest of the students, omisses the religious practices of the students in a futile attempt to keep
everyone happy for the present, what they do not realize is that by shielding the children from that which is different, they affect the child's mind
later in life, namely when the child is finally exposed to the deviation from their own life style. The child or young adult, or sadly, even fully
grown adult, then reacts the way that he was unwittingly bred to by his parents.
The Public school system has the ability, whether they realize it or not, can in fact change this by simply allowing the children to express their own
beliefs and set of moral principles. By exposing the children to this, while it might be uncomfortable for some for a while, they will ultimately
learn to get along with society. by providing this life experience for the children, they will be torn between what they believe as being an absolute
(their parent's or other important persona’s racist views) and what they know is morally correct or incorrect because children do have the ability
to think and apply morals to their lives, contrary to popular belief. Therefore, the public educations system, by shielding the children from this
great age of change, is in fact actively destroying the hope of the future (dramatization) by shielding the children form life experience necessary to
build in their minds a foundation for the social structure that they will learn later in life.
Granted that at a later date, after having written this, I have since learned of the concept of ethnocentrism, which states basically that the human
race is inbred genetically with a sense of racial independence, which is what basically kept the tribesmen form the primitive ages surviving. However,
though I concede to the concept due to cited factual evidence, I still cant help but think that if the human race were inbred with this definitive
sense of racial separation, there would be no commerce, no mixing of races, only severely divided, individual tribes that are of exactly the same
origin: essentially, inbred tribes. I believe that ethnocentrism did play a large role in the survival of the human race in its early stages, but I
can also say I think that humans, as an intelligent species, have managed to overcome this natural barrier, in that ethnocentrism no longer qualifies
as an issue in dealing with modern racism. Furthermore, I can say that I believe that it is due to natural human laziness, coupled with the inbred
social reaction of aversion to this issue (just the term “racism” can cause a person to act completely different) that the issue in and of itself
is not dealt with in humanity as a whole, beginning with the children. Due to advances in human society and intercommunication, the necessity to be
able to kill those different than you to survive, to protect the infinitesimal traces of ethnocentrism left in human genealogy, should be obsolete in
that nobody should have any traces of this gene left in order for humans to build a coveted utopian society.
Thanks and recognizance: (not sure of the correct term) to member Ledwig Beethoven, for alerting me of, previously unknown to me, the concept of
ethnocentrism, and thus allowing me to reevaluate my analysis in the context of this term. Also, thanks to Ludwig Beethoven for making known to me a
websight which gives information on this "ethnocentrism".