reply to post by OldThinker
Atheists believe in TIME and CHANCE and the MIRACLE that we humans came from a blub of goo...
That 'blub of goo' you disparage is simple chemistry.
TIME is correct. CHANCE? That is the crux of the issue,
There is a far, far greater "chance" of chemistry doing its thing, than some magical being that may or may not even exist.
BUT, you also just demonstrated the anthropomorphic-centered fallacy, i.e., everything is all about US, we Humans!!!
The overwhelming abundance of information points to a very old Earth, with a vast multitude of lifeforms that have existed long, long before the
appearance of anything even remotely 'human-like'.
What we are struggling with, and this is a fairly recent development in Human evolution, is the realization, and growth, away from childhood fantasies
and illogical beliefs. Rationality and understanding of science, and scientific principles that are repeatedly demonstrable will trump 'fantasy'.
It does not, therefore, require "faith" to understand the reality of science.
And also, "atheism" is misunderstood, and bandied about as almost a curse word. It doesn't have to be that way.
The rejection of a contemporary "god" image is receiving the most vitriol and angst, here. SO, it is the "faithful" who feel threatened, and are
attempting to turn that anger outward. A far more reasonable approach is to simply admit that there is
no way for any one human, or
group of humans, to have the "answer". Far better to investigate the 'unknown' instead, and remain open to all the greater possibilities ---
the 'god' of the Jewish, Christian or Muslim (or any, for that matter) mainstream religions of today is simply too small, too insignificant to
warrant any recognition whatsoever. Too small, the Mind of Man, who have created the 'gods'.
I was going to add a YT video or two, but why? One can search for them on their own. There are plenty on the chemistry of the early Earth, and how
life could have begun, as well as a critical look into the logical fallacies of modern religions --- the "Why Won't God Heal Amputees" is a goody.