posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 07:32 AM
'Pope will surely not visit Poland* this year', said Priest Pawel Ptasznik, manager of the Polish Section of Vaticano Office of State and one of the
closest cooperators of John Paul II, on Saturday.
In the 'Saldo of the #3 TV' programme (TVP3) priest Ptasznik finally demented all speculations about the date of a supposed Papal pilgrimage, which
have recently appeared in media and many persons' words.
Well, certainly Pope has to stay at Rome for some time, he's old and tired after all and his health is important, and a lot of Poles come to Rome to
visit him, so that's not a big problem.
*Pope is from Poland if you didn't know. Pilgrimages to Poland mean a lot to him, and changed that country in some ways.