posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 11:43 AM
posted by Niki: "Ok, I read this whole thread and my take on the original idea is that it was about the US and the media as a propaganda tool.
Which I whole heartedly believe it is. "
While I will not deny that there is a hell of a lot of propaganda in all forms of media. The original poster made the assumption that the everyday
average American bought it all, lock, stock, and barrel...which is absolutely preposterous. Most people know when it is being shoveled to them in
large helpings...
Other than that, I pretty much agree with said comments. I just gets tiring when everyone from other countries assumes we know nothing of what is
going on, and the minute you try to stand up for yourself you get slamed as being an arrogant or ignorant none of this goes on anywhere
else in the world....