originally posted by: LauGhing0ne
Have you ever defined what a human is?
Biology defines fairly precisely what a 'homo-sapiens/schizo-sapiens' is!
When you move to the term 'human' you instantly leave the world of rational science into the land of fiction and poetry and metaphor.
There are some who don't even accept your 'humanity' depending on the color of your skin.
Shall your 'definition' of 'human' (a vague term, at best) involve skin color?
How about 'religion'? (You know, like those barbaric inhuman (fill in your own hatreds and bigotry)s!)
How about my 'definition' that the animal (homo-sapiens) never transcends animal-hood until Enlightened/unconditionally Loving, and becoming
Universal, fully human and more!
Then there's be damned few true 'humans' on the planet!
Your question is more inspirational of a poetic response than a philosophical/scientific.
What distinguishes a Robot from a Human,
If you do not know the difference, have I got a low cost low maintenance wife for you!
And she just needs to be hosed down once a week!
A dictionary is a great place to begin.
On the other hand, it can be argued that we are bio-robots with an ego!
Perhaps the 'difference' is the ego, the 'thought/imagination'!?
they follow the same principle of intelligent design by a creator.
I should have read the entire post before getting into it with a 'true believer'!
Intelligent design is complete nonsense, absolutely unsupportable by science or philosophy!
A 'belief infection' in the Faithless (who need 'proof)!
And 'creation' is impossible, scientifically AND philosophically!
It only exists in imaginary belief-land.
In our western culture, our kids are taught the religious aspect of Christ and live with it or byt it.
Did you just arrive here?
That is the most absurd assertion that i have heard all day!
And utterly false!
The segment of society (hardly 'all'! There ARE other religions besides yours!) that has been infected with the 'Jesus strain' of 'beliefs' by their
patents, do NOT "live with it or by it", you/they (VAST majority) are judgmental ignorant hypocrites with no clue of what Jesus was all about; the
unconditional Love that seems to be rarer among so called 'Xtians' than hen's teeth!!!
The ONE characteristic wherewith Jesus said that he would recognize his followers is unconditional Love/Enlightenment!
The difference is in their way you teach the word of Christ,
You testimony/evangelize/proselytize NOT with your vain words and holier-than-thou attitude but by how you live your life!
Everything that you say and do reflects who and what you are!
If you are unconditional Love, a 'Xtian', you SHINE your 'preachment'!
People are attracted to you and come to you asking you what's up with that! THEN you can, perhaps, guide them, when you finally have Knowledge to
share rather then the Polly-wanna-crackerish droning of words that you read in a book somewhere!
Knowledge is experience!
Then you can run that vain mouth if you need
but if it follows the principles of humanity it means you follow the word of Christ.
What "principles of humanity"?
I have not read your rule book, obviously. Whence these so-called 'principles'?
And, no, it does not follow the fictional vain whichever edition of the 'words' (empty vanity, imaginary), it follows the Love!
If something acts, talks and behaves like a human, is it not a human?
No! That is irrational!
A pile of programmed tin, with batteries, hardly a 'human' makes!