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I'm voting out are eu !

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posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: Denoli

Voting out for many reasons, immagration is not one of them. We was fine before we joiend the EU we will be fine when we leave. I just like seeing Camerons face as we was not even supposed to have a refferendum, it was just to pull votes from UKIP at the the time, now they are bricking it.

i heared a whisper that a referendum for some reason is illegal at this point and if we vote out i beilve they can say, "well its not legal so we will stay in" - i will get to you on how valid this is, as it was a chiense whsiper .

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 06:39 AM

originally posted by: lSkrewloosel
a reply to: Denoli

Voting out for many reasons, immagration is not one of them. We was fine before we joiend the EU we will be fine when we leave. I just like seeing Camerons face as we was not even supposed to have a refferendum, it was just to pull votes from UKIP at the the time, now they are bricking it.

i heared a whisper that a referendum for some reason is illegal at this point and if we vote out i beilve they can say, "well its not legal so we will stay in" - i will get to you on how valid this is, as it was a chiense whsiper .

the referendum isn't legally binding, but it would be political suicide to go against the will of the people in such a way. Would make the poll tax riots look like a game of tag.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 06:40 AM
The EU sucks Boooooo!


Bring Back the Great in Great Britain!

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 07:02 AM
A thought I just had:
What if the result of the referendum doesn't matter at all, it's the following riots which are important to "them"?
A conspiracy, I know, but think about it.

Behind the scenes there are 3 groups fighting for the world, the "free west", with North America, Europe, Australia, probably Israel, then the Islamic ME with Africa and parts of the Asian Islands, such as Malaysia etc. China, probably secretly with Russia, because they would form the communists. And it really is right now, cold war 2. But way bigger than before.

Our "enemies" have researched and developed all of the techniques we used to use. What did we do? =>Arab spring, orange revolution, you catch my drift...

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 11:16 AM
I don`t think much will change if GB votes out, apart from Brits having to leave or appeal in other European countries they are currently living in and vice versa. Not to mention a blow for business.

But regarding immigration, there will still be a foul play as it always was. Greedy politicians will always be a subject of bribery which means that for a hefty sum they will vote yes, you can come to this country. Only difference is that now they don`t hold the cards in their hands...

Having said that, I think EU is in need of a fresh blood at the very top because what they are doing is not in public interests. At least people in US can vote for their leader but who votes for EU leaders? It is always the directives that come from EU that no one knows who exactly is in control of. I`m familliar with the official explanation but the structure of the EU has always been, to me at least, the most suspicious form of government.

Politicians voting for politicians can never be good!

European Parliament president – Martin Schulz
Term: August 2014 - January 2017
Elected by: Members of the European Parliament

European Council president – Donald Tusk
Term: December 2014 - May 2017
Appointed by: national leaders (heads of state or government of EU countries).

European Commission president – Jean-Claude Juncker
Term: November 2014 - October 2019
Appointed by: national leaders (heads of state or government of EU countries), with the approval of the European Parliament.

Just a few among others such as ECB and IMF, yet it still makes no sense who is pulling the strings and don`t say it`s democratic voice of the people because we all know this is NOT true...

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: Denoli

I'm voting out for ideological sovereignty reasons in the main. I've never had a chance to vote on the UK being amalgamated into formal political union and I wish to be wholly governed by people in London, not Brussels. At least with London I can protest or engage in civil disobedience or whatever it takes when/if the government oversteps the line.
Also, with absolute sovereignty being in the UK, the UK people can vote those at the top out if they overstep the mark.
The UK has just a minority vote in the EU.

I believe that if there is a remain vote then the EU will look at us as submissive serfs who have #ed themselves over their own barrel and further political union will steamroller towards us in the coming years. With nothing we can do about it.
I believe there will absolutely be challenges for us if we vote leave, known and unknown, but you know what, I believe in the people of these islands and I'd rather die trying as a people than not try at all.

If we do vote leave then the free movement of people to live and work here is something I want controlled in the same way half of immigration to the UK is.
People here go on about the immigration from the rest of the world being on a par with immigration from the EU. So what?
Around half of the 300,000 odd thousand folk (net) who moved here last year were from the rest of the world, that's just under 7 billion potential people compared to the 500 million who live in the EU.
So, around the same number of people moved here from one area covering 500 million, and another covering nearly 7 billion people.

Immigration controls clearly work with the rest of the world, yet any EU national can move here even if we don't need them.
I am pro immigration where it is useful and needed by the UK.
I am pro taking a fair share of genuine refugees from UN camps. I think the numbers we have taken is shameful.
But...I want controls on immigration from EU nationals, not a ban, not kicking out people who are settled here, just controls, the same as we hold over the rest of the world.

The only way to get that control, and true sovereignty is by voting leave on the 23rd.

edit on 13.6.2016 by grainofsand because: Typo

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: Denoli

By control borders, do you mean prevent people from seeking legitimate political and humanitarian asylum as a direct result of wars we helped start by funding terrorism, in order to justify illegal wars and obtain resources we had not the right to?

Because that is what the overwhelming majority of immigrants are after doing. The statistically irrelevant number who would do us harm might pose a threat, but only someone who does not understand what it means to be British would fear death strongly enough to prevent them from doing the right thing when it comes to the victims of our excess.

Why bring the refugee red herring into the topic?!
You know full well the OP means immigration from EU nationals, the refugee issue is a shamefully blatant deflection and irrelevant. I support the UK taking a fair share of refugees from UN camps. It angers me that the numbers we do take is so low, but it has nothing to do with the relevant issue which is uncontrolled immigration of EU nationals.
Stop muddying the waters fella.

Now, before you go on about roughly half of immigration being from the rest of the world, consider again what I posted above and get some kind of perspective:

Around half of the 300,000 odd thousand folk (net) who moved here last year were from the rest of the world, that's just under 7 billion potential people compared to the 500 million who live in the EU.
So, around the same number of people moved here from one area covering 500 million, and another covering nearly 7 billion people.

Immigration controls clearly work with the rest of the world, yet any EU national can move here even if we don't need them.

Again, I am pro immigration by anyone in the world, EU or otherwise, I just want the same controls based on need etc that we enforce upon the world outside of the EU.

This issue has absolutely nothing to do with the refugee issue...and your deflection attempt in this thread was clumsy at best and dishonest at worst.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 01:03 PM
At least if the Brits leave the EU, they might keep their free free speech on the internet, Angela Merkal wants face book, twitter, etc., to censor all blogs and social media to delete just about anything, the terms are so vague, they would cover farting in church.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: pikestaff

At the very least us Brits will be able to decide solely as Brits who it is decides new legislation every general election.
Sovereignty is massively important to me. The ability of a people to collectively decide their laws as a people, not as a minority member of a political union nobody voted for.

If anyone thinks differently then I would imagine they are a TrueEuropean not a true Brit.

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: Denoli

I have dusted off my UK passport in order to be back for the vote. I expect the Brexit vote to be overwhelmingly in favour of leaving the EU. However, I likewise suspect that the masters of the City of London among others to rig the voting results so that the status quo is maintained. I hope to be proven wrong on that last bit.

posted on Jun, 16 2016 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: Denoli

I am an American and I feel that England should leave the EU.
She should close her borders and start taking care of her own citizens
first.Clean out the No-go zones created by the immigrants.Remove
any foreign laws added to her court systems because of the immigrants.

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 02:37 AM

originally posted by: KapritiI likewise suspect that the masters of the City of London among others to rig the voting results so that the status quo is maintained.

Have you a view on how this could be done, or are you lining up an excuse if the vote is to remain? The "oh, yes the whole lot is fixed", but cannot show how this was the case.

Electoral Commission help for these who don't know how it all works

I remain undecided. I do think that if the vote is for leave the politicians will comply. There will be no choice. I would imagine a General Election would be called fairly soon after.

posted on Jun, 17 2016 @ 06:47 AM
Everyone has there reasons for in or out but the scaremongering for staying in is absurd .

They say we will face higher tariffs ? For importing goods ? Can't see it one bit .

It's corruption at its finest .

posted on Jun, 25 2016 @ 12:46 AM
Cameron killed Britain's economy with with his failed bluff against EU. Dynamic between large states in an EU without the UK will change. London will lose title of economic capital of EU business and all the money that capital accumulate. There is already european wish to earn from britain's loss. Cameron will be historys villain after Thatcher era. There will be strong demand from scotland and ireland to stay in EU and have some autonomy from england. UK is smallest in all of the history.
a reply to: Denoli

edit on 25-6-2016 by kita0dtita because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-6-2016 by kita0dtita because: (no reason given)

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