posted on Jun, 2 2016 @ 01:59 AM
a reply to:
Ummmm...yeah! For the most part anyway. If you forget standard name calling (ass, jerk, etc.) and get down to calling someone a name because of
their position on a particular topic...yes. But I'm open to hearing your opinion.
Liberals Call Others:
Gay Basher
Stupid (typically used about religion)
Conservatives Call Others:
Atheist (not much of an insult)
Baby Killer
I know this list is no way complete. But it always seems to me that it is those on the left throwing out labels, calling others haters and anti-this
and anti-that, insulting someone's religion (stupid believer in invisible Gods), insulting people who think life is more important than choice (I'm
pro-life by the way), etc.
But what does the right call others that they aren't. Gay? Atheist? Besides facts and things people call themselves...what insults does the right
throw out and label people? I really can't think of many. But I'm open for correction.