posted on May, 31 2016 @ 02:13 PM
Givn risr of natural disasters that avoid, what was safe measures that can guarantee your safety and recovery.
Well, one idea I have that I don't mind giving away because everyone with tech skills can build it, would be an anti-gravity trailer.
If you land in water, ou would have floatation devices active that surround the trailer.
Or if you want to be off the ground completely, there is a method to produce anti-gravity. You've all seen it.
Place those devices on all corners. There will be no radiation fallout due to the anti-radiation shelidinh you could have had installed
This is to ensure that you don't fall into a chasim if an earthquake was to split your town in half, you would be in the air to bring yourself to
safe ground or rest at sea somewhere.
Just an idea.