At a convention in Wilhelmsbad in 1782 they made a clean sweep of the Knights Templar traditions and explained that there was no demonstrable
relationship between the Knights Templar and Masons.
Wilhelmsbad - The traveling templar
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The Blood mixing ceremonies
Which has been distorted and brought so much sensation. At this initiation they cut the recipient in the right thumb, and a few drops of blood were
drained into a chalice with wine. The Lodge Master brings 9x9 drops out of a crystal bottle, then all drank of the wine. Eventually poured something
back in the bottle, which thus contained wine with previous recipients blood.
The Secret Doctrine in the highest ranks is more difficult to fix, but the tone and expressions you can clearly see that it was taken from the passage
neological interpretation of Christianity. Jesus was perceived as a wisdom teacher, and it was speculated at the time much around the idea that he had
been brought up by the Essenes and received his wisdom from them. During the Crusades the Templars in 1127 encountered seven Syrian Christians in a
cave. They proved to be the last remnant of the Essenes and brought now wisdom teachings of the Knights Templar, to which freemasonry adapted.
1. The Congregation has made a firm statement on this issue in 1983, where membership in Freemasonry is a barrier to access to Communion, Acta
Apostolicae Sedis 76 (1984), p 300th
2. Of the extensive literature about the history of freemasonry can mention Karl RH Friek, Die Erleuchteten, Akad. Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, Graz
1973. There are several detailed frimurarlexika: Bernard E Jones, Freemason 's Guide and Compendium Rev. ed. George G Harrap & Co., London, Toronto,
Washington, Sydney 1956; Eugen Lennhoff & Oskar Posner, Internationales Freimaurerlexikon, Amalthea-Verlag, Zurich, Leipzig, Vienna 1932 (here
abbreviated IFL); a small Swedish counterpart's Guidance for Freemasons, PE Eklund publishers, Stockholm 1909. For the German Freemasonry, which is
of great significance for the Swedish, see Ferdinand Runkel, Geschichte der Freimaurerei in Deutschland 1-3, Berlin 1931-32.
3. If the higher degrees are two older excellent books: Heinrich Lachmann, Geschichte and Gebräuche der maurerischen Hoch Grade and Hoch
Grad-Systeme, Braunschweig 1868, and GA Schiffmann, Die Entstehung der Ritter Grade in der Freimaurerei um die Mitte des XVIII Jahrhunderts, Leipzig
1882nd both of these are reprinted in a single volume entitled Hoch Grade der Freimaurerei, Akad. Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, Graz 1974. A comprehensive
documentation is also available in Rene Le Forestier, La Franc-Maçonnerie Templiere occultiste et aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, publ par Antoine
Faivre, editor of AubierMontaigne and U Nauwelaerts, Paris and Louvain in 1970.
4. Johannes Rudbeck, Karl Fredrik Eckleff, Stockholm 1930. Martin Lamb, Enlightenment, Romanticism 2, Stockholm 1920, 1617. Runkel 2, p 124. Friek, pp
286-291. Art Eckleff in the IFL.
5. le Forestier, passim. Lessing quote from Friek, p 214E
6. le Forestier, p 11517, 16017, 691. Lamb's 17th
7. Friek, p 300 f.
8. le Forestier, Book 1, Chapter 8. Friek, pp 291-295. Rudbeck, pp 104-107. Lamb, 18. The revision of the ritual stretched into the 1800s seen from
CLH Thulstrup, Notes to the Swedish history of freemasonry 2, Stockholm 1898's 128th
9. The original French (with German translation) in Schiffmann, p 178,191th German translation of the I Friek, pp 295-298. Lamb, p 26f.
10. Runkel 1, p 185-196. le Forestier, Book 1, Chapter 2, 3, 6 and passim. Friek, p 223-234 and passim. Art Dog in the IFL.
11. Runkel 1, p 254-350. le Forestier, Book 1, Chapter 4 and 5. Friek, pp 246-251. Art Starck in the IFL. There is a monograph on Starck, though
mainly with his alleged crypto-Cath
12. Runkel, l, p 306
Part 3, will be directly on the Norwegian Author and his book; Frimureri: Mysterier, fellesskap, personlighetsdannelse (Norwegian Edition)
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