posted on May, 20 2016 @ 12:01 PM
Sorry I do not have a video of this incident yet, but this event happened yesterday (5-19-16) My brother and I were outside looking at some planes
flying by as there were some crazy chem trails in the sky that morning. As we were hanging out I noticed what I thought to be a small bird at glance,
but as I watched this thing I got the feeling that it was much bigger and much further away than I had first thought.
This thing was flying around like crazy, and would almost say it seemed to be meandering around but had a general direction it was flying. It was up
at cloud level and I'm no expert but the thing was going fast. After just 30 seconds watching it, it was gone(had flown far into the clouds)
About 5 minutes later my brother looked back and said "There it is again!" .
This thing was just sitting completely still in the air around where I had first spotted it earlier. It was frozen for seconds then started flying off
and froze again! Then just flew off again in the same curvy path. At this point I was for sure this was not a bird. I really wish I had a nice camera
to record it but my brother used his iPhone. I will try to get the video today and post it here. Not too sure but maybe it can be looked at closely on
a computer, my brother had mentioned he didn't know if he got in on video because it was so far away. But anyways if anyone knows if birds fly
extremely high or can stop mid air for seconds at a time, also how fast can they fly? I am convinced this was a UFO but was wondering if anyone can
shed some light or has seen or heard of anything similar happening.