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Belgium: All hospitals 'must permit euthanasia'

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posted on Jun, 16 2003 @ 11:02 PM
Anyone read the book "The Godwhale" or "Half Past Human" by TJ Bass? A future world where euthanasia was not necessarily a choice...

BRUSSELS � The right to euthanasia must exist in all hospitals, negotiators forming Belgium's new government said Friday in a move to counter opposition by some Catholic hospitals that have allegedly refused to permit assisted suicide on their premises.

The negotiators, who are forming a government after the 18 May general elections, have laid down that every hospital must have a team of doctors prepared to apply euthanasia, under a strict policy designed to protect patients and their relatives. Euthanasia was made legal, under certain conditions, in Belgium last year.

The chairman of the Flemish liberal VLD party, Karel De Gucht said euthanasia is the business of a doctor and a patient, and that hospitals should not interfere.

Doctors will be given a protected status for performing euthanasia.

So the license to kill has finally come to reality?

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 03:18 AM
What is so bad about euthanasia?
If people don't want to suffer anymore, from cancer, aids or whatever and prefer to die, let them.

I can understand that if doctors can't do anything anymore for you, and you just lay in bed, waiting to die, one would rather make an end to the constant suffering.

Of course people need to be very sick and been though all the procedures, before they are allowed to make that dessision.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by Zion Mainframe
What is so bad about euthanasia?
If people don't want to suffer anymore, from cancer, aids or whatever and prefer to die, let them.

I can understand that if doctors can't do anything anymore for you, and you just lay in bed, waiting to die, one would rather make an end to the constant suffering.

Of course people need to be very sick and been though all the procedures, before they are allowed to make that dessision.

I understand you very well Zion, here in holland we have it legal, and the nicest thing is like, the building that is in amsterdam, for euthanasia, people goes there from every part of the world, to suicide quietly and peacefully.
You own your life, you don�t choose to be in this world, it�s not up to you, but u can choose when to cut the string and stop living....

I agree 100% with make it legal, or
Do u agree that even the goverment will not permit you to die if u want to? They even want to controll that??
Come on!!!!

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by dragonrider
Belgium: All hospitals 'must permit euthanasia'

Not surprising.Last week, Belgium has " celebrated " her first gay " wedding ".

Wake up Ante-Christ, your time has come.

Peoples do NOT want to be euthanasied. They just want to don't suffer anymore.

posted on Jun, 19 2003 @ 07:40 AM
why any hospital would refuse to treat an Asian child...what's the problem?

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 10:45 AM
euthanasia is better than suicide in so many ways.

also the only anti-christ here is man himself:

[Edited on 1-7-2003 by exwunpi]

posted on Jul, 1 2003 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by exwunpi


posted on Jul, 3 2003 @ 07:16 AM
Euthanasia should be allowed as a choice or patient request but not something pushed on anyone or everyone.


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