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Suicide: A Truly Universal Perspective

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posted on May, 14 2016 @ 04:50 PM
This topic is of the very most profound nature. I invite you to periodically pause and reflect on what you've read. The alternative is the lack of any meaningful degree of clarity. It's a complex topic, requiring the utmost cognitive awareness.

One in every 5,000 American men kill themselves. How many American men have you encountered in your lifetime? Statistically, how many of them must've killed themselves since you saw them? Perhaps they couldn't stand another moment of this dystopian nightmare of a society, and so they decided that oblivion was better than this existence. This primitive and unreasonable world of ours is so horrific that they overcame our strongest held instinct, survival, and killed themselves. Think about the strength of conviction necessary to do that. To place a gun to your head and squeeze the trigger, or a noose around your neck and then to kick the chair out from beneath you. To step out into that terrifying and unknown darkness, willingly, because it must be better than this. Because you can stand no more of this. To be or not to be.

Humanity is said to have existed for 200,000 years. How many have seen such horror to have taken their lives over that period of time, and just what was it that they experienced? How did it feel? Was it months or even years of that horrifying sensation that followed you and I's worst nightmares? Did life truly feel a nightmare to them, at every moment? Did their eye twitch in that moment of absolute loss and despair which finally set them on their path to oblivion? Could it be they could simply no longer stand the "life" of a character from George Orwell's book "1984?" To exist a single moment longer in a world of the brain dead and the brain washed? In this hellish environment of absolute domination and abuse perpetrated by the absolute malevolence which have established control over our society, over our lives, over our minds?

Could they no longer stand the dull yet excruciating sting of the immense and terrifying void left by their former lover? A now seemingly meaningless existence consumed by breath-taking suffering and regret, haunted by image after image of the only experience which ever truly mattered. Responding to each flash of miserable recollection with fear and the convulsion of profound emotion and intense waves of misery which goes on and on relentlessly each day, and in every moment. Was their unending torment so fierce that their emotional trauma would leave their shattered heart to sometimes skip a beat, as if in protest of any continuance of life? Not to be.

Statistics show that someone kills themselves once every forty seconds in our world. At any moment, someone's in the process of committing suicide. Who's killing themselves right now? What is it that they feel inside? What does that scene, happening at this very moment, look like? They're killing themselves, at this very instant. Look at them. Pay attention to them. Because moments from now they will no longer be.


Now look up at the stars. Our galaxy alone has over a hundred billion of them. We estimate that there's about 200 billion galaxies in the observable universe. How many are dying across the universe right now? How much pain and suffering is there not only in this world, but all the worlds? Even if every galaxy has just one sentient species, that's 200 billion Earths. More than one million kill themselves every year on Earth. If that number were to hold true across the entire universe, at 1,000,000 times 200,000,000,000 then we arrive at a number so large, it's completely inconceivable. There's not even a name for that number.

It's comes out at 2E17, a truly astronomical unit, or two billion times ten to the seventeenth power. Yearly. Yet in all likelihood, there are many, many more civilizations in the average galaxy than just one. Think about that. Thinking about the sheer number of people killing themselves on Earth is incredible enough, but the number of suicides universe-wide is completely and entirely unfathomable. Even beginning to imagine the immense pain and suffering of one of those individuals is already beyond the capacity of most. Imagine how many must be killing themselves at any moment across the universe, and imagine how much pain the combination of each of them would amount to. Perhaps, in that moment of reflection, if you indeed truly reflected on the notion, you too can understand the nightmare that is our reality.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: Navarro

Nice thread, I have three friends who have killed themselves. Sad. My one friend jumped off a casino parking structure, after he lost all his money. My other friend Took too many drugs and drank a fifth of Jack. The last friend hung himself after losing his real estate company! Sad

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 05:21 PM
Completely flawed logic. You CANNOT extrapolate suicide rates throughout the Universe based on observations on Earth. We all suspect there are numerous other cultures scattered amongst the cosmos. Not only do we not know how many, we have no idea what these cultures are like. It is folly to assume they mirror the cultures of Earth. To take such an emotionally charged topic and extrapolate to some sort of universal truth is completely absurd.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 05:22 PM
Lift your head up high and blow your brains out.
More food for me.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 06:27 PM
a reply to: schuyler

Yea, suicide amongst intelligent beings of the Universe? Thats heavy, and we can only speculate. No real proofs.

A little bit of awareness, even seeing a solitary rose in the right light, can make all the difference in the world. Personally, i like the phrase: Just be glad to be here.
edit on 14-5-2016 by OneGoal because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-5-2016 by OneGoal because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: Navarro

1,000,000 times 200,000,000,000 then we arrive at a number so large, it's completely inconceivable. There's not even a name for that number.

Nonsense... the number you're looking for is 'quintillion'...

take a look at this

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 11:19 PM
About a month ago I was late to my first day of a new job because a local man had decided to embrace oblivion with a plunge into the river. I think about him regularly, why he did it, whether or not he had family or friends that miss him. I think about the 45 minutes the bridge was closed and the string of cars held up as a result of the single moment of unbearable pain this man felt.

What is life when all is forgotten? What is death when all is infinite? What is time when all is now?

I think the weight of being extends to many sentient creatures, of this Earth and otherwise. Then again, sentience and consciousness could be very different in other parts of the cosmos, but when all is said and done, being at all is a singular journey.
I think. I've only ever seen through my eyes, personally.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 12:34 AM
I helped two people to re-think their suicidal thoughts. It took some time but they hung on and now have children and are married and happy. One friend though was on medication and decided it was best not to be on them. He said how much better he felt and the last time he called he was so positive and looking forward to moving closer to his family etc. A week later his Brother called to tell me he killed himself, hung himself. I miss that guy.

For some individuals it is circumstances that affect their lives deeply, for others it is mental issues. It is a very deep and dark place that you get to when you are in that frame of mind, overwhelmed and losing all hope. It's tragic.
edit on 15-5-2016 by Night Star because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 02:11 AM
A little bit dramatic don't you think?

I don't really want to live but this World really isn't all that bad.. we're not being attacked by Tyranids for one, and there's no Chaos Gods lurking around.

The cosmic horror we have to deal with on this planet is pretty laughable. There are real hellish existences out there, think about those instead, they make the pain of suicide seem ridiculous.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 02:50 AM
a reply to: Navarro

I think you're looking down the wrong end of the telescope or accentuating the negatives here.

Right now, you and me are ecosystems in our own right. Every part of us, from our eyelashes to our toes, is crawling with life and our guts have even more. Cast your perspective wider and the ground beneath us is alive with worms and ants turning the soil and species of bugs and microbes thriving in their niches; birds and insects fly above and around us.

Wider still and there are the mammals - rodents, felines, canines and domesticated cattle, horses, pigs etc. Lots of lifeforms to the point that we're almost immersed in them and can't see it - we live within a cloud of bacteria, spores and microbes.

If we concentrate and try hard to hold the image of Earth in our minds, can you see the primates in their environments? Across Asia, Africa and the Americas are thousands of sentient apes and monkeys living and fighting according to their social expectations and stimuli. They're dying too, but they aren't suicidal.

If you reflect on how much biomass is on this planet, how much is sentient and which proportion of that mass is suicidal, you'll come to a different conclusion. Suicide isn't universal, it's a symptom of human culture and individual genetics.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 03:36 AM

originally posted by: Night Star
I helped two people to re-think their suicidal thoughts. It took some time but they hung on and now have children and are married and happy. One friend though was on medication and decided it was best not to be on them. He said how much better he felt and the last time he called he was so positive and looking forward to moving closer to his family etc. A week later his Brother called to tell me he killed himself, hung himself. I miss that guy.

For some individuals it is circumstances that affect their lives deeply, for others it is mental issues. It is a very deep and dark place that you get to when you are in that frame of mind, overwhelmed and losing all hope. It's tragic.

I always suspected you were an angel disguised as a human, but now I know it.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 03:41 AM
a reply to: Navarro

It sounds like your glass is half empty. No consideration of all the lifeforms that don't kill themselves across the universe? All the same, this was a decent read.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 04:32 AM
Maybe the people who are committing suicide are low vibration reptilian blood-lines who cannot handle the world morphing into a higher frequency.

The world is in a climax right now where the elite are desperate for low vibration fear and war to be created for them to feed off 24/7.

As everyday ticks by and they don't get their precious nuclear war, they are panicking. In their panic they destroy the world economy putting humans in despair. Then when the person commits suicide, they feed off the raw emotion because that is how sick they are.

The longer a person survives through these days, the stronger their spirit gets.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 05:47 AM
I wallow in it like an ol' bitch dog.
The end will come soon enough.

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: Navarro

This is an important topic. And i agree the op is totally flawed. This is only going on on Earth. This is a singularity going on. Suicide.. in my book is a last ressort attempt to attain spirituality by seeking death as a ultimate deliverance from a world that no longer makes any sense for it has become an artifical death pit where despair covers all.

Well at least in the eyes of the suicided. But it is really fascinating in a way. Like their higher selves are calling them back because they know the situation has become so pointlessly and artificially complex, hideous where emotions and creativity which are the basis in a sane and fruitful life, are denied, locked down and left to rot along with the mind, creating a buildup that with time and with the right or rather, the wrong triggers, implodes creating a ripple leading to seeking death.

When you know death to be only a change of perspective and leaving a temporary body, then suicide doesnt look so bad anymore although i agree it seems rather cowardly but is it? Ultimately your own life is yours, and you only have to answer to yourself about it. Family is good and all but it doesnt compare to your free will. If your family is to hold you back and prolongs your agony and you know they cant do # to fix it or help because after all, families today are well, artificial at best. Values are lost, emotions are ensnared by false ideas and beliefs leading to a very unhealthy state of mind that always gnaws on your soul. Pretense pretense pretense.. life was never about pretense but pure expression and symbiosis. It is complex yet simple, if you look deep enough without fears.

Did you know dolphins commited suicides in several occasions, especially captured ones? They stay underwater and stop breathing. Look it up. That is a message. An important one.
edit on 15-5-2016 by _damon because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 09:51 PM

originally posted by: Dark Ghost

originally posted by: Night Star
I helped two people to re-think their suicidal thoughts. It took some time but they hung on and now have children and are married and happy. One friend though was on medication and decided it was best not to be on them. He said how much better he felt and the last time he called he was so positive and looking forward to moving closer to his family etc. A week later his Brother called to tell me he killed himself, hung himself. I miss that guy.

For some individuals it is circumstances that affect their lives deeply, for others it is mental issues. It is a very deep and dark place that you get to when you are in that frame of mind, overwhelmed and losing all hope. It's tragic.

I always suspected you were an angel disguised as a human, but now I know it.

Wow, I wasn't expecting that! Thank you for making my day!

posted on May, 15 2016 @ 10:35 PM
a reply to: Night Star

Talking somebody out of suicide, especially somebody who truly feels they are at rock bottom, is not an easy thing to do. I know, I have been at both sides of the scenario. You successfully managed do so on multiple occasions and that shows that you are a very special person indeed.

posted on May, 17 2016 @ 01:46 AM

originally posted by: Navarro
Suicide: A Truly Universal Perspective

First off, a 'Universal Perspective' is impossible, definitionally!
All Perspectives are unique, and limited!

Segundo, as per 'suicide', some bio-units are simply self-destructive, set to go off at the perfect moment of your death!
There is no such thing as a 'premature death', suicide or othercide, we all die at the exactly perfect moment in the exactly perfect fashion!
Just like every other moment of Universal existence, it already exists, and cannot ever be 'changed'!

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