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When Islamophobia Turns Violent: The 2016 U.S. Presidential Elections (Georgetown U report)

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posted on May, 14 2016 @ 05:55 AM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: Liquesence

We're too brainwashed and conditioned to openly accept something different

I disagree, Islam is submission and a way of life, one branch being the religious aspect - it is an all encompassing ethos to live by.

In this regard, for many non-Muslims to accept this would by virtue of that fact, also mean that they would have to tolerate and maybe even submit to aspects of Islam which are incompatible with entrenched western values - a fundamental being the freedom to not practice religion.

IMO, Islamophobia is a label applied as a means of controlling opposition to the apparent forced acceptance of something many folks simply do not want, and when those voices are ignored by political representatives matters will take their natural course.

Many people feel Islam is a threat to their way of life because it is as much a religion as it is a political and social movement with massive internal issues and no clear authority.

Ding ding ding ding


Excellent view point

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 08:51 AM
Why dont the people always wailing about the made up word "Islamophobia" never mention Muslim's "Westernphobia"? It leads them to murder people over such innocuous things as cartoons!
edit on 14-5-2016 by TheBulk because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Liquesence

je suis Charlie Hebdo

What is your point?

I said there are extremists who want to kill people, and some have done it, obviously.

This is about the millions who are not extremists but who are still treated like # by their host nation OR by the culture into which they have decided to assimilate (such as the many here in the US), who are the victims of violence and intimidation themselves and only because of their religion.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

But people *are* being conditioned against Islam, in many ways. Hence, the OP and people's very real feelings (and sometimes actions) in the country (USA).

While I somewhat agree with you, that it is in fact an ethos and way of life, there are many (likely a large majority of) practicing Muslims here in the US who are living just fine under our "incompatible" western society, and are not trying to change it to make it more acceptable to their religious ideology.

Many people feel Islam is a threat to their way of life because it is as much a religion as it is a political and social movement with massive internal issues and no clear authority.

True. People feel a lot of things, and feel threatened by a lot of things. That is, however, simply their perception, and it doesn't mean that the threat is real, nor does it make the response right. They perceive it as a real threat because they constantly hear it is a threat (thereby being conditioned), even when there's no danger, which results in backlash against ordinary, peaceful people living in this country (US).

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

While you were not replying to me, I feel I need to clarify that I am not advocating unchecked immigration into the US by Muslims as has been going on in Europe for a while.

Therefore, that argument is irrelevant.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 10:32 AM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: Liquesence
a reply to: yuppa

I figured you would go the sharia argument route eventually, since it's a convenient talking point.

They can integrate and still retain their culture without trying to change US law or policy, which most of them do.

And most of them do not "retain loyalty to their home country" over US loyalty.

They want a better life and they want to remain Muslim. Which they do. Then, however, intolerant American jerkoffs start in with the BS like you have, which is what this thread addresses.

Come off it.

DOnt go there. Im tolerant of others so long as they abide by the same laws i have to abide by. Sublimecraft hits it on the head what i actually meant to imply.

And the multitude living here peacefully in the US, while still retaining their religion and their cultural identity, DO abide by the same laws: US law.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 10:58 AM
Sorry but this IS AMERICA where prople are judged by who they associate with, the cops do it, citizens do it and even the oh so holy innocent muslims do it.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 12:39 PM

Congressional testimony suggests that 80% of the Mosques in the United States are controlled by radical imams. American Muslims are moderate but with imams intent on radicalization, things could change. We therefore need to rid our vernacular and our government policies of Political Correctness so we can have rational discussions on the issue.

There is concrete evidence that radical, terror-connected imams are active in the United States.

Independent Sentinel

That's a lot of peaceful muslims going to the radical mosques, I'm sure.
The real are the islamaphobes are the westerners too afraid to speak about the horrors of the islamists. The ones who do are brave because they do so knowing they could die as a result of slandering islam.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: yuppa
the US is inclusive IF YOU ACTUALLY TRY TO BECOME A AMERICAN. Not if you come here expecting US to change to suit you.

This statement is not inclusive. It is the very definition of exclusive. You must try to become AMERICAN or else. Take a look at how things are in America, not from a tribal perspective. But historically speaking the melting pot you speak of did not even recognize Black people as human. There is also the small need to mention a complete genocide of the native population. The exclusionary immigration policies of the U.S against the Mexican/Latino population. The list of exclusion is endless.

The real problem that America is facing, at least as I see it is the power of majority has historically rested with the number of educated voting middle class white Americanthe buying power of the masses was held in place by the manufacturing sector after WW2.That population group was a majority, but if you look at the demographics of the American population now and into the next decade you will get a different picture entirely. So the racist undertones that are circulating in forums and coffee shops across America are not the fault of any secular group but the selling off of the manufacturing sector the eradication of tariffs that kept American companies competitive and the resulting collapse of middle American buying power. White America is not the majority any longer and was only held in place by repressive policies that did not recognize the true melting pot that America really is. The separation of Church and State really is one of the most important concepts to keep. Because a secular tribal mindset is the only way to destroy what America stands for FREEDOM.

Now onto the Muslims and Islam.

That is the first time I've even mentioned a religion. This is because Religions themselves are completely and strictly exclusionary. Nothing more needs to be said about that.

What I think is really happening is that the majority of white middle class America is going through its death throws and without some drastic and repressive policies to change the inevitable power shift it will continue.

America is looking for any advantage, whether secular tribal or exclusionary they will take it. Tryanny is not far behind.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: ThoughtIsMadness

originally posted by: yuppa
the US is inclusive IF YOU ACTUALLY TRY TO BECOME A AMERICAN. Not if you come here expecting US to change to suit you.

This statement is not inclusive. It is the very definition of exclusive. You must try to become AMERICAN or else. Take a look at how things are in America, not from a tribal perspective. But historically speaking the melting pot you speak of did not even recognize Black people as human. There is also the small need to mention a complete genocide of the native population. The exclusionary immigration policies of the U.S against the Mexican/Latino population. The list of exclusion is endless.

The real problem that America is facing, at least as I see it is the power of majority has historically rested with the number of educated voting middle class white Americanthe buying power of the masses was held in place by the manufacturing sector after WW2.That population group was a majority, but if you look at the demographics of the American population now and into the next decade you will get a different picture entirely. So the racist undertones that are circulating in forums and coffee shops across America are not the fault of any secular group but the selling off of the manufacturing sector the eradication of tariffs that kept American companies competitive and the resulting collapse of middle American buying power. White America is not the majority any longer and was only held in place by repressive policies that did not recognize the true melting pot that America really is. The separation of Church and State really is one of the most important concepts to keep. Because a secular tribal mindset is the only way to destroy what America stands for FREEDOM.

Now onto the Muslims and Islam.

That is the first time I've even mentioned a religion. This is because Religions themselves are completely and strictly exclusionary. Nothing more needs to be said about that.

What I think is really happening is that the majority of white middle class America is going through its death throws and without some drastic and repressive policies to change the inevitable power shift it will continue.

America is looking for any advantage, whether secular tribal or exclusionary they will take it. Tryanny is not far behind.

Wrong. When you become a american you are to adapt our culture and assimilate. it builds national unity and keeps the nation safer. Sure keep your traditions but its not right to come here and expect Americans to adapt to your ways.
When you go to another country they want you to assimilate as well. So why is it wrong to ask the same?

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 04:04 PM
The report seems to be partisan nonsense. "Trump-Inspired Violence"?

Their methodology is dubious. They use media reports and articles of anti-Muslim threats and violence, as opposed to actual hate crime data. All one has to do is say that a threat or violence was anti-Muslim and it would show up in their report, even before such a charge can be proven. For instance they imply that the tragic murders of Deah Barakat, Yusor Abu-Salha and Razan Abu-Salha (Chapel-Hill Murders) were "anti-Muslim", on the grounds that they were Muslim and the killer was not, on the grounds that the family claimed it was anti-muslim, and not on evidence.

Research shows that nine (9) out of ten (10) stories by news media outlets located in the U.S., U.K. and Germany portray Islam and Muslims in the context of violence: terrorists or warlords.

In other words, we should be wary of reporting on terrorism if it portrays Islam in a bad way.

Anti-Muslim hate crime is just as evil as any hate crime, but the implication that hate crimes and "Islamophobia" are the result of political rhetoric and news reporting, as opposed to being a reaction to the violence and terror committed in the name of Islam, is utter nonsense.

posted on May, 14 2016 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: BooCrackers

Christians killing Muslims? 3?

I'm not even sure what your basing that number off of.
Christians and Muslims have both killed hundreds of thousands throughout their history.

I dislike Islam but I would get some data to more accurately asses your view.

However you are somewhat correct Islam has killed more than any-other religion in history to be honest.
Something close to 270 million just with in 1400 years. This was during the crusades though.

Some facts to digest

(post by KEACHI removed for a manners violation)

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 12:58 AM

Wrong. When you become a american you are to adapt our culture and assimilate. it builds national unity and keeps the nation safer. Sure keep your traditions but its not right to come here and expect Americans to adapt to your ways.
When you go to another country they want you to assimilate as well. So why is it wrong to ask the same?

This word really screams freedom doesn't it.
The good old constitution doesn't state anything about assimilation.....but there was that one Country that tried it and had there own political party to help drive home their own version of unity and nationalist rhetoric. They also frowned upon a particular minority group. Nowhere in the same sentence as the word FREEDOM will you fit the word assimilate. It's just Un-American.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: LesMisanthrope

Yes, this is a report, not a study. It shows a correlation, that is not exactly incorrect, when viewed from a larger perspective.

the implication that hate crimes and "Islamophobia" are the result of political rhetoric and news reporting, as opposed to being a reaction to the violence and terror committed in the name of Islam, is utter nonsense.

They are, and can be, both. But to deny that they are also a result of political rhetoric and reporting is both disingenuous and quite stubborn.

edit on 19-5-2016 by Liquesence because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2016 @ 09:58 AM

edit on 26-5-2016 by Liquesence because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2016 @ 06:51 PM
The Assimilation of any (particularily Violent and Damaging) Religions in today's world should be shunned and rejected.

Sometimes i think the Trojan Horse is already here waiting in corners of darkness.

Remember those Videos from MTV regarding the holocaust that go something like 'It happened before, it can happen again'!

Very Subtle Suggestions being aimed at Children. Highly Suspect in my opinion.

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