posted on May, 13 2016 @ 04:13 AM
In 2001 I worked at (now-defunct) Tower Records. Sometime in either June or July, I was hanging out with a coworker and her boyfriend, the latter of
whom introduced me to the lore of the Illuminati and the NWO, and he specifically claimed that "something big was going to happen soon". (He was a big
hip-hop fan, if that helps ballpark the specific cultural slant on the narrative for you.)
I was just shy of 20 at the time, and I told him in one fashion or another that I didn't believe in his boogeyman. I think I told him that I didn't
want to spend my life worrying about stuff like that, and I must've specifically used the phrase "I just want a simple life": after the towers fell in
New York a short time later, I saw the boyfriend for a moment outside the Tower store and he smugly asked me, "Where's your simple life now?" I'll
never forget it. It changed my worldview, for better or worse, overnight.
That's how I got into reading the sorts of material offered here at ATS. (Admittedly, these days I'm more interested in other things and don't really
give the Illuminati or NWO much of a sniff.) I was certainly browsing here in 2010 but it very well could extend several years earlier. I joined
because there are several members who, for various reasons, I've come to respect and I'd like to interact with them wherever I can insinuate myself
I don't have any remarkable expertise in anything, and ironically will probably not contribute to the sorts of threads I like reading most, because
they coincidentally are usually over my head. However, I have many times enjoyed simply reading the general chit-chat and that seems to be where I can
fit in.
Thanks for allowing me to introduce myself and how I've ended up here. That's it then.
edit on 13-5-2016 by MiddleInitial because: Added two
edit on 13-5-2016 by MiddleInitial because: Took away one letter