posted on May, 13 2016 @ 12:03 AM
So earlier today I noticed some scars on a young lady's calves (wearing those capris pants/shorts?).
Of course I'm not going to ask her about them, but the pattern seemed oddly familiar and I'm having a hard time placing it. For all I know she may
have a problem with cutting, but these seemed too uniform and precise.
So on the back of each calf, in the same spot, with the same thickness of scar tissue and length there was a scar that bisected the calf from the knee
to the ankle (couldn't tell how far up or down).
On the front of each shin there were scars the same thickness, but horizontal and much shorter (like 3-4 inches) that looked like ladder rungs. Again
incredibly uniform, looked like mirror image of the other leg.
On the left in this terrible picture you'll see the back of a calf, on the right the front. Pretend I wasn't super hasty and those lines were
perfectly straight and uniform in length and distance.
Again, it just seemed WAY too precise to have been from cutting. She would have had to measure and use a straight edge.
Any ideas?