That's right. Try to see the big picture and not the pixels, won't you?
You are not being invaded with spiked dirty 'smart' electricity that
rips your soul and face off, on a cell by cell basis
(the wires in your house are the cell)
as you enter slumber, finalized by
your own personal digital 'smart' meter
$ekret Machine$) kaching (sorry Tom)
acting as a precise
one way electron-tight metering valve which quantifies your very mind,
and aura, measuring each atom's movement in your personal field
and which is happily installed by armed skulking electricians
who are in reality, just enormous army ants.
No no no. This isn't really happening, to
You are simply
having the experience, is all.
Do try to picture the Queen putting her lizard print undies on,
and what she looks like underneath it all. I seen them shapeshift, yeah
That is what you should be focusing on.
Ignore the hardware, won't you? I want you to see the whole painting...
not the meaningless pixels, they mean nothing. The picture can exist without it!
Be the picture na na na na na na
# 642
edit on 12-5-2016 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)
edit on 12-5-2016 by TheWhiteKnight because: Hey Travis, I
want you to meet easy Andy, he's a traveling salesman, room 709 *cough*
edit on 12-5-2016 by TheWhiteKnight because: Alan Klein would
stabbed his pudgy finger in the air, and say 'you should be rich'
edit on 12-5-2016 by TheWhiteKnight because: ...after which,
George put down his guitar and announced that he was in love with Maureen.
edit on 12-5-2016 by TheWhiteKnight because: Maureen left
the room sobbing. 'Incest', George only said.