Hello ATS!,
This is my first official thread here (forgetting the introduction one). I half expected it to be on another forum regarding other topics which I find
fascinating, but recent dreams have forced me to come here. Please note that these experiences are from what we would call "the dream world". These
are dreams and not otherworldly experiences that led me to this forum, so please forgive me if its in the wrong section. (MODS, please do your
respected work in the aid of a newbie. Here goes....
Dream 1
I have been trying to cancel out meats and various other toxic foods in my diet. It seems that something in my head is now trying to push an agenda
forward. Here comes a brief description of the dream...
I woke up in Germany (where I was born) and into a company of people who on the face of it, seemed friendly at first. However, moments into the dream,
I was faced with situations which I could not handle. In the dream, I was force fed beef steaks and then observed until my reaction. I reacted in
horror and disgust, because the dream made me feel like I was going to be physically sick. When I rebuffed and freaked out, I had alot more female
characters in my dream, who made it clear that my resistance was foolish and unnecessary. I remember the tastes, the horror and the fear as I write
this. (Vomit inducing, isn't the word.)
Dream 2 - This happened before Dream 1.
I'd had a restless sleep. I had spend weeks and days trying to get "Out of Body" and traverse a realm of which I had no knowledge. When I "believe" I
came out, I was faced with the same world, albeit with a negative "hue" to it. My physical presence had no form, but had the properties of an
existence which had a syrup/gelatinous form. I was locked in a grey version of my real world, with the ability to only go to the boundaries of my
bedroom. If I tried to examine closer things, then I would be overcome with an unwarranted fear of what might happen. When I tried to leave the
boundaries, it felt as if I was going to be taken down to a level I could not understand.
Please note, that I have only felt sleep paralysis on one occasion in my life, which was very similar to dream 2, however with "things" i could not
I apologize for the rambling ATS, but I've watched and read enough of the posts here, which will hopefully have a reasonable and viable argument from
what I've seen, or have believed I've seen.
Many thanks for your time in reading this thread.
Kind Regards,
edit on 11-5-2016 by KiraTheOmnipotent because: Formatting error. I'm a newbie remember...