posted on May, 12 2016 @ 10:11 PM
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I'm agreeing with TechniXcality on this one - Prelude to an astral projection.
Everything you have said describes what I usually experience before one of my really good attempts. And, if it makes you feel any better; I watch
horror movies, usually before I go to sleep (which is when I practice). Only thing you have to remember is that nothing can harm you.
While I don't advocate fighting the vibrations (Robert Monroe's term for what you experienced), I will say if you don't make any attempts to project,
you usually will end up falling asleep. Additionally - you can break the paralysis and the effects by one or more of the below:
1. Try to focus on moving only one part of your body (ie: Pinkie finger). I've found focusing on something like a finger or toe seems to work better
than something like a hand or foot.
2. Be in control of the situation: If you are Christian, pray to God or Jesus to release the symptoms (or say a bible phrase in your head). Picture
yourself surrounded by a white light, ask your spirit guides to stop the symptoms. You're method doesn't have to be elaborate; just make sure you
believe it will work.
3. If you want to practice some impromptu energy work - The next time you experience this, picture the energy as some form of light leaving your body.
Imagine all the rushing is leaving, and any noises are getting quieter.
4. Enjoy the ride: You'll either have a projection/OBE (at which point, thinking about your body should stop the experience), or you will fall asleep
(and maybe be rewarded with a lucid dream).