posted on May, 10 2016 @ 10:15 AM
Greetings ATS, it has been quite a long time since I logged in and felt the urge to post something! I have been lurking for quite some time now,
enjoying the articles other users put up.
Today I came across a video from a comedy website that I visit daily when I'm bored that gets straight to the point. Let it be known that this is
being put in skunk works for the simple fact that I am no professional when it comes to video editing and in this day and age, anything is
Now for the video! Provided below is a link to said video. It's a loop of the same few seconds played over and over again of Mikey Cyrus having
supposedly "flexed" her eyes during an int review to a "lizard form"
I for one am very skeptical but I thought it a neat video regardless and wanted to get some feedback. It's always exciting to come across something
that isn't normal!