posted on May, 10 2016 @ 03:54 PM
According to some, this is the time of individualism and being yourself, but that's just really not true if you ask me. I use a few social media like
ATS, but no Twitter, Facebook, or other personal platforms about ''me''. I could give you a whole list why I don't want it and why it's not something
for ''me'' in terms of who I am as a person, but bottom line remains that I will never create a Facebook (or similar) account. Even Whatsapp can be
too much for me.
If this limits my options in terms of employment, then so it be. Way before this post I figured already that it'd most likely limit certain options
because not being as visible, not going along with certain things that are simply the norm by now (people are surprised when I say I have no FB) WILL
be seen as unattractive or a red flag by certain employers. However, from my experience in life, and how I know myself, I know how important it is to
stick to MY identity and to choose to not go along with certain things if they're so ''not for me''. It's a matter of where your priorities and
principles lie, but I feel that the idea/vision of what an ''acceptable person'' is, is becoming too narrow and too demanding in certain aspects that
don't actually even make a lot of sense.
edit on 10-5-2016 by ExoticSpaceTiger because: (no reason given)