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Liberals Attack Trump Supporter in a wheechair, and a black Trump Supporter Gets Accosted by BLM

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posted on May, 7 2016 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: reldra
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

You must chill onn the facebook, the photo one...I can't tell Who, How, Where, What, When.

These are the basics in a news story. You have NONE of them.

Go back and find them and then return.

First of all, that's not a photo... It's a video, and you can see that within the groups attacking this man one of them has a sign that says "No racism, no fascism, no Trump". Who are the people going around with these signs? and then several of the people that are around that sign get on with their attacking verbally this man, and telling him he must be ashamed of himself" and also using other insults...

If the signs these people are using are to proclaim that "Trump is a racist, and a fascist" and they are attacking this man telling him he should be ashamed of himself, for what reason would that be?... You think they were talking about sports?... Or about the latest "survivor"?... Use your head for once in your life.

The man is obviously in a wheelchair, you can see it by the angle everyone else is at. Then there is the fact this man is sitting with both legs closed together which is how disabled people who can't use their legs normally sit. Then you also have the fact that he seems to be using some special shoes of soft but warm material that a person who has the use of their legs would not be using because those shoes would simply disintegrate if anyone tried to walk with them.

edit on 7-5-2016 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 11:20 AM
Good thing these liberals suck so much, they bring in the Trump support like a tsunami wave.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 11:24 AM
Well, the agenda to divide and conquer is going swimmingly, is it not?

I thought the majority of members on this site realized that right/left is a farce and it's US vs. THEM.

but every day i see members practically at each other's throats over this smoke and mirrors election. the illusion that you have a choice in what happens at large in this country.

c'mon guys. . . .

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
There's are also a number of videos of Trump supporters pushing, shoving, kicking and sucker punching people in the face, yelling racial epithets, saying abysmally ignorant nonsense, etc.

So yeah, jackasses abound.

Except that you have got some Liberal members, including yourself, posting, or responding to threads of a few examples of some conservatives mistreating liberals and proclaiming all conservatives are that way. These videos shows that if that argument is true, then all liberals must also be like these other liberals who keep attacking anyone, even disabled people, and even minorities just for disagreeing with them and for daring to support a candidate these liberals don't want.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

I don't think I've ever seen someone say all conservatives are "that way". Sure, people tend to make blanket statements out of ignorance, but that is not indicative of the whole. So it appears you are creating a false narrative in order to tear it down.

Also, if those liberals are wrong for doing what you claim, then why are doing the exact same thing? That makes you a hypocrite.

edit on 7-5-2016 by introvert because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: introvert
I don't think I've ever seen someone say all conservatives are "that way". Sure, people tend to make blanket statements out of ignorance, but that is not indicative of the whole. So it appears you are creating a false narrative in order to tear it down.

Really?... Let's see if what you claim is true and let's see who is creating a "false narrative"...

You yourself have created threads which revolve around making false narratives out of complete ignorance.

Here is an example and what you claim out of ignorance.

originally posted by: introvert
While I have been one to admit that I believe Trump appeals to the lowest common denominators among us, it appears that I was incorrect in that what really draws people to Trump is the authoritarian nature of his message. Authoritarian messages do not just appeal to Republicans, as is stated in the article, but it does seem as though they have the data to suggest authoritarians are moving further to the Right.

Were you saying something about hypocrites?...

originally posted by: windword
Tow Truck Driver Leaves Victim on Side of Road Because "Religion"?
Right wing politics and religion have blurred into one big bigoted mess of fear and loathing! I have a feeling that this kind of stunt is only the "tip of the ice berg" of what the religious right is capable of, when it comes to their thinking that doing their job, and/or civic duty, violates their closely held "religious beliefs" if it means they have to assist people with different political views.

So ATS member winword makes an illogical, false argument claiming "right wing politics and religion have blurred into one big bigoted mess of fear and loathing"... But you are going to stand there and claim this is not a false generalization by creating a false narrative full of assumptions and "blanket statements out of ignorance"?...

Let's continue...

originally posted by: wantsome
Video: Woman harasses man using food stamps.

I don't know where people get off harassing someone else. Republicans don't care about most people. No help for you but once you reach military age it's off to war you go hooray. But if you get injured they say screw you. Many elderly vets and disable people collect benefits from the government as do many working people. What give someone else the right to harass another person over social programs that help the less fortunate is beyond me.

Meanwhile what that woman in the video did is wrong, ATS member "wantsome" went on ahead and proclaimed all Republicans are like that woman...

Were you saying something about "creating a false narrative in order to tear it down."?...

Of course i am not even quoting every response from other ATS liberal members who went on making false generalized statements and false accusations.

So, tell me... "who is creating a false narrative in order to tear it down". BTW, you want to talk about a hypocrite?...

originally posted by: introvert
Also, if those liberals are wrong for doing what you claim, then why are doing the exact same thing? That makes you a hypocrite.

LOL, so I am a hypocrite for showing that groups of liberals keep doing what they claim to be fighting against and what they claim only conservatives do?... You obviously have no idea what hypocrite means...

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: introvert

I don't think I've ever seen someone say all conservatives are "that way". Sure, people tend to make blanket statements out of ignorance, but that is not indicative of the whole. So it appears you are creating a false narrative in order to tear it down.

lol...even you have participated in generalizing all republicans and conservatives and made false arguments based out of ignorance...

originally posted by: introvert
Also, if those liberals are wrong for doing what you claim, then why are doing the exact same thing? That makes you a hypocrite.

Please be sure to make a concise argument. I have no idea what you tried to convey with the above claim. I haven't written "all liberals must be like these other liberals"... My argument has been "if the liberal argument, including yours, that the actions of some conservative, or republicans means all conservatives and republicans are like that, then by logic all liberals must be like those liberals who attack anyone who dares not support their argument, even minorities and disabled people who disagree with them". Do you understand the difference between my argument and what "you claim my argument is"?...

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: denybedoomed

You might be right, in the end it is possible that even Trump is just playing everyone. But we don't know that, you can't make such assumption, and what would you have people do?... Not fight for what they believe is right? Just give up and allow what seems to be the elite's choice which includes taking away more rights from people while making everyone completely dependent of government handouts?


posted on May, 7 2016 @ 01:10 PM
This topic is already available here: BLM madness, confront Trump supporter. Backfires.

Please visit the link above for further comment.


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