a reply to:
for example here is a dedicated forum to prophecy where the conservative catholics express their views on it
motheofgod.com... 3 days of darkness and garabandal. Good indeed to know all of
that, they walk into the well established set of rules given by those apparitions. But, they are not ready to go out of that preset conditions. And
they do not speak of the ways in which God would offer us salvation before Chastisement.
I listed some of the possibilities for that salvation in this and other threads. I don't know the real case what will be God's choice. I am open for
all eventualities.
To expect 3 days of darkness this November is premature. The works of Marie J.J. should be taken in their entirety. She predicts one day warning, and
two days warning, to occur before the 3 days darkness. The one day warning is set to occur between Dec 22 and March 21, according to
www.3daysofdarkness.com... Let also notice those are not approved apparitions. Malachi Martin believes the 3dd and he has his own intake on it,
that I comment in my thread dedicated to 3dd.
I'd rather expect extraterrestrial angelic intervention for any of the 2 possibilities: 1. rescue from earth, 2. establishment of some temporary
conditions for conversion on earth before the chastisement (to coincide with the great warning? dont know). Let also be noticed that the great warning
described in Garabandal and others, is NOT FOUND in the Holy Scripture. Warnings yes, but not in the form described by the seers. Instead, Angelic
intervention is mentioned many times to occur before the Judgment day, including by Jesus himself in the canonical gospels. It is also mentioned in
the prophets of the Old Testament, and of course in John's Apocalypse where angels play a major role everywhere. So to deny the et-angelic
intervention is first stupid and second uneducated on the Bible verses. I understand all contemporary apparitions carefully avoid that terminology and
exchange it with acceptable terms for catholics who are not ready to accept the bare truth, such as "Great warning""miracle" and the like.
If I have to say something more from sources that are not necessarily religious, let me say about Gordon Duff, editor of Veterans Today, who
occasionally speak about alien presence on earth, besides politics. First of all, I do not know what church Duff belongs too, it may happen he is
devote Christian be it Catholic or not, I just don't know. Many of the insiders who speak on those topics, turn to be more or less devote Christians,
some of them Catholics. In one of his alien briefings, Duff said the aliens are coming to establish 1 major base in Northern Africa, and another one
somewhere in the remote Russia (Siberia). I forgot the link or how he envisioned it, as negative invasion or positive collaboration. I tried to find
online, and couldn't. Not everything once posted remains online forever. Perhaps the entire internet will be gone at one moment. So your personal mind
and paper might be a better option under candle light.
So we will definitely have ET contact, the question should be, what kind of contact, who comes first, the good or the bad, and what they offer -
rescue, or protected cities on earth, or what. Do they speak in the name of Jesus or not. To avoid those questions and to demonize blindly is
practically to surrender to the enemy and to reject God's help given in this moment. Because how would the angels appear, that John Leary , Louise
Tomkiel and others constantly speak about to lead us to the refuges? Woudn't they appear in the way Raphael appeared to Tobias? I.e. human looking
beautiful, no wings, possibly some transport device as with Ezekiel, and speaking normal in the way we could understand. What is expected by
fundamentals now, of lightnings and thunder, and some caves and refuges that I don't see them anywhere, is quite strange to say the least. If God
acted like that expectation during the exodus of Israel, not many would have been saved.
edit on 25-10-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason