The second half of my story. This felt very very real but could have been a dream. It had the exact same feeling of no disturbance would occur
This happened long after I was out of the military. It was several years ago. I had also gone through a divorce and had not seen my daughter for some
The dream began like the ones previously described. Here I was standing in front of the Theater in Quantico, VA. If anybody has ever been to Quantico
and been at the theater it has a bowling alley in the basement. The air was cold, clear and crisp. I looked towards where the Barracks where and all
of the lights were on but there were no cars. There was that feeling like we would not be interrupted. Or people where suspended, something. I looked
back to the theater. Lights on there to. The flagstones were a little wet. Looked up into the trees and there were fragments of broken clouds blowing
by. The limbs of the trees had a few brown leaves on them. Aside from that it was very clear and I could see sharp pinpoints of light from the
I looked down to my side and there was now my daughter holding my hand. She said something along the lines of "Daddy, what's that?". I looked back up
to the sky and saw three lights streaking across the sky and one shoots off at a 90 degree angle. I looked back at my daughter and I think I remember
saying "That's the angels, they go to fight the war".
Next thing I remember is walking between two rows of quansit huts. It was still night and kinda dark because of the dim orange lights around the
quansit huts. As we walked the air shimmered in front of us and the edge of a disc shaped ship appeared. I only saw the edge of it and didn't look to
the right to see the rest. Four or five (best I remember) people where being lead away. Me and my daughter were brought on.
Inside the ship it was bright white. Two beings, don't laugh, that looked kinda like planet of the apes monkey men sat on each side of us on this
couch like thing. The one sitting next to me felt very very old the one next to my daughter seemed younger. The older one turned and came in like he
was going to french kiss me (no, his tongue wasn't out) and I tried to resist. I didn't even jostle him. It was like trying to hold back a bulldozer.
When his face moved away he had the face of a man. I turned to my left and the same was happening to my daughter. I turned back to the older one to
protest and he communicated (no actual physical speech) that I would not be allowed to stop it.
After this, and it drives me nuts, I know we communicated for a while (not physical speech) and for the life of me what was told to me I can't
remember except the last part. I know that sounds typical but I've tried and I draw a total blank. The last thing said to me was "Soon there will
come great winds on the earth" and I said "Oh,, what about the people...". It would be total devastation. I thought it was strange that I felt such
empathy for the people of the world because at the time I didn't have much love for humanity.
Next thing was I was in total blackness but I could see. I could see with emotion. I know this sounds weird but I could see detail in this sea of
people in front of me. I was slightly higher than them and the leading edge of them was what seemed to be about 20 feet away. But they went out as far
as I could perceive. I stuck my hand out and this object appeared. I said "This is for the good family". Actually to me it seemed like I was saying
"goode" instead of "good". Don't know if it is significant. When I said this the thing in my hand would disappear and go to them. I repeated it
several times.
The last thing I remember was being on the coast. It was north eastern US. Don't know why I knew this, never have been up there. The land was
saturated with water. Like it had been under water for a long period of time. The clouds didn't look right. Too low and greenish tint. Then I turned
and looked out over the ocean. Even though it was still I knew something was coming from the ocean that was much worse than what I currently saw.
And that is where it ends. Nothing since.
Anyway. Thought it was worth posting.
edit on 4-5-2016 by Apollumi because: I can't spell