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Everyone is trying to figure out who to point the finger at

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posted on May, 2 2016 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: [post=20674031]onequestion[/p]

Anyway the point is we need to get together and focus on what the real problems are and in my opinion the real problems are our political and corporate Elite who are working tirelessly to rig the game and keep themselves and their families indefinitely on top. We have to work through all of these social issues and come together and focus on the people creating these trade pacts and the media who keeps driving wedges between the population. Let's work together people.

I agree wholeheartedly with that, it seems we have to transition as a global society though, and many won't be comfortable with that.We do need to focus on solutions much more though, like what exactly we can do as individuals and groups to make things better.
For me though, it's going to take nothing short of a global consciousness shift to really make a difference.

edit on 2-5-2016 by surfer_soul because: spelling

posted on May, 2 2016 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: amazing

I may fail a little if my wife has the TV on, and I may need to check a facebook message about a business transaction, but overall...I will be reducing my digital media consumption...

I work in an industry that lives on making things as complicated as possible. A simple thing like sharpening a pencil will have to go to committee, and the end product looks something like this:

The solution is a simple one. We just need to go back to the basics. I said the solution is simple, I didn't say it was easy.

Life is very simple. We just go out of our way to make it complicated. Of course the system is rigged, so it will continue to provide you with all the tools you need to keep your life in chaos.

posted on May, 2 2016 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Just because someone isn't starving on the streets doesn't mean they aren't stressed out and being pushed to their limits.

Should people wait until everyone is homeless before we do something ?

posted on May, 2 2016 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: intrptr

Just because someone isn't starving on the streets doesn't mean they aren't stressed out and being pushed to their limits.

Should people wait until everyone is homeless before we do something ?

Everything is about money. Forget the starving.

posted on May, 2 2016 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: Aazadan

I think the media is too general of an answer to what the problem is. We've had media for hundreds of years now. Newspapers, magazines, periodicals, and so on. It's the whole concept of first a 24 hour news cycle that pushed trivialities just to have things in the news, followed by the new news cycle which is about being interactive with an audience and having so many diverse options that people can listen to what they want to hear rather than what the facts are. Personally, I find the concept of book reading to be out dated for the same reason. Anyone can publish these days so people just read the authors that already agree with their preconceived notions. Reading can still be good but I think you have to accept that you're not reading facts, you're reading opinions. Most books these days are no different from a good forum post.

So what your saying is there are no FACTS to be had anywhere anymore? Except for peer reviewed publications maybe? But for the most part people hear what they want to hear, because we are all biased?

posted on May, 2 2016 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: onequestion
a reply to: intrptr

Just because someone isn't starving on the streets doesn't mean they aren't stressed out and being pushed to their limits.

Should people wait until everyone is homeless before we do something ?

I was reflecting on the reality of desperation I witnessed over the weekend, in my neck of the woods. This has little to do with where one lays their head. Everyone sleeps at night.

posted on May, 2 2016 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Ahh got it.

Yeah after spending a year in Santa Anna seeing hundreds if not thousands of homeless people everyday it actually became exhausting witnessing it.

posted on May, 2 2016 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: onequestion

Theres three more weeks of the program, its a yearly free for all, I used to make some coin from it, enough to solely sustain me for months. Thats back when, before so many people became more needy.

I miss those days, me and '5 other guys' owned the city for a month. Now you dig and dig to find a nugget, and others are right there to reach in and steal it form under your nose. Quite a phenom, would love to share it here on camera, no money for video equipment, though.

posted on May, 2 2016 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
I thought all of the problems America faces is because of the Obama presidency. At least that is what I've learned from reading the threads and post on ATS for many years.

I read a thread that said Obama is the AntiChrist....what more proof do we need?

Oh , no. You have that so wrong. Obama has turned this country around. We have less unemployment , record number of businesses being started , low inflation , way low taxes , and a perfect healthcare system . Less and less major businesses are moving overseas. Look at major ones like Apple . No way they would offshore or sell to countries like China or India during an Obama administration. Everyone is so happy now. A land of milk and honey. No wars or conflicts. All other countries in the world love us and respect us.

We have been wandering in the wilderness for 40 + years now . Since beloved Jimmy Carter . This President has led us back to the promised land.

edit on 5/2/16 by Gothmog because: add

posted on May, 2 2016 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP

originally posted by: olaru12
I thought all of the problems America faces is because of the Obama presidency. At least that is what I've learned from reading the threads and post on ATS for many years.

I read a thread that said Obama is the AntiChrist....what more proof do we need?

Remember that time he drew a line in the sand like he was all tough and stuff then didn't do anything signaling to the world that America is now weak? Or the time he got caught on a live microphone in collusion with Putin just before the Crimea got annexed Adolph Hitler style like it was czechoslovakia pre WWII? How can you forget the JV speech about ISIS as they rampaged across the Middle East and set up their very own Caliphate right under his nose?

That Obama, what a guy.

Remember the time obama was going to destroy america with ebola, good times.

posted on May, 2 2016 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: surfer_soul
So what your saying is there are no FACTS to be had anywhere anymore? Except for peer reviewed publications maybe? But for the most part people hear what they want to hear, because we are all biased?

Facts still exist, but no one is going to tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. They're going to fit it to fit whatever narrative they want to tell or that you want to hear. For example, take the thread right now about Trump beating Hillary in a poll 41 to 39 in the general election. That is the result of a poll, but what the people pushing that narrative aren't going to tell you is that the details of that poll were such that the question didn't involve a vote of none of the above and that they were asking a group of Republican voters.

Furthermore, what they aren't telling you is where that group (a much more narrow demographic than claimed) lives and looking at things from the perspective of how it affects the electoral college votes. For example, Trump gaining numbers in Texas means nothing because he's already getting that state, but it would mean something if his numbers were going up in Ohio which is one of the three must win states for Republicans (they need to win all three to win the White House).
edit on 2-5-2016 by Aazadan because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2016 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: Aazadan

I see where your coming from more clearly now, but the whole point of objective journalism was to do away with just that, i.e biased reporting, which can be done consciously or even unconsciously.
What your referring to sounds like propaganda and while the news media and forums and such are littered with it, there is reporting out there with no agenda or bias one way or the other, which is simply trying to present the facts.

The blame game as addressed in the OP is a good example of propaganda at work.

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