posted on May, 1 2016 @ 06:29 PM
a reply to:
I have always questioned the general "you can only live a few days without water" statement. Having had an eating disorder earlier in life, there were
times where I did not eat or drink for a week or more. It would make me rather ill, but I never died. There may be some other things factored into the
"a few days" estimate, such as physical activity and temperature. If you are sweating, you'll dehydrate much faster, as you would if you were moving
about in a survival situation. This man was trapped and therefore could not exert much energy at all, which likely helped him retain more water in his
body. I'm no expert though; those are just some of the first things that come to mind, I'm certain someone more knowledgeable would be able to give a
better answer.
Surviving for two weeks in that situation is still amazing. As this story shows, I believe the body is capable of amazing things sometimes. But man, I
could not even imagine what it'd be like to be in that situation.