The idea that past timelines are being tampered with is catching a lot of steam by the day, almost exponentially via Youtube and other internet sites,
and with good reason. Anomalies are now leaking through (from wherever) at an alarming pace. One of the best examples of the absolute undeniability of
something strange happening is the morphing of the name of country singer Reba Mcintyre into Reba Mcentire. Unlike with the Berensteins, where proof
of a change is hard to come by (save for the infamous 2001 Coasterbuzz 2-page forum topic in which every single poster refers to them as Berenstein,
found here:
py-land ), there is an abundance of proof that something bizarre has happened with the name of this country singer.
First of all, we see that typing “Reba M” into the Google search bar relegates us to a selection of only the unfamiliar looking “new” name:
Here we can see that all results for “Reba M” consist of the odd-looking “Mcentire.” This is the case with her website, the Google result on
the right, Wikipedia, Facebook, and a news headline from just recently.
And just like with the Bears’ books, we see through an image search of her discography that the name is spelled like this on her albums. It has been
“retroactively changed.” She has “always been” Reba Mcentire. Two examples:
But whoever or whatever is doing this doesn’t seem to have been as thorough in “destroying the evidence” as with the Bears. When typing “Reba
Mcintyre” into the Google search, we get the typical forced results of what Google wants us to see, which is Mcentire. But when clicking on the
“search instead for Reba Mcyntire” link, we get something that does really not happen with the Bears.
We again get the “Mcentire” Google profile results on the right, but we have multiple links with Reba Mcintyre, including the Mandela Effect
results discussing this very issue, but also with 2016 tour dates and Youtube music videos. We also have these proofs, from 2013 and 2008:
As we can see, “Reba Mcintyre” doesn’t seem to be as restricted as the “Berenstein Bears,” as Google does not even provide a “search
instead for” link for the Bears.
So skeptics, let us now think about this logically. There are now, undoubtedly, thousands upon thousands (if not more) of mentions of the
“BerenstEin Bears” in internet land. And Berenstein is an actual surname. So why then does Google yet insist on underlining the word as a
non-word, and still try to pull BerenstAin search results when BerenstEin is searched?
The same can be said for Mcintyre. Clearly, there are many mentions of “Reba Mcintyre” on the internet, and yet, when that name is searched,
Google insists on only offering results for the NEW name?
Even if the people who remember Berenstein and Mcintyre are wrong (which they are not), can we not see that
Google is somehow being programmed to
suppress those results and only offer results for the “new” names?
As more and more of this continues to come out, it is going to have to begin being accepted that the “skeptics” who continue to reply to these
types of topics by dismissively insisting that people are “misremembering” things, well, it is going to have to begin to be concluded that these
are people with an agenda (whatever it may be) and not merely internet“skeptics.”
This phenomenon can no longer be realistically denied.
Another emerging example of it (of many that are coming out now) involves the adult diapers that everyone has known as “Depends.” We all know
Depends as the butt of many jokes, but sometime very recently, they have been retroactively changed to drop the “s” at the end. So they are no
longer “Depends,” but “Depend.” That is just silly, as these are diapers, and would be akin to Huggies being called “Huggie,” Pampers
being called “Pamper,” or Luvs being called “Luv.” This brand was in fact, and still “somewhere” possibly, known as DependS.
But a Youtube search for commercials of these diapers from the 80’s and 90’s and in more recent times shows that they have, in fact, “always
been” Depend.
How much longer can people continue to deny that something other worldly and possibly nefarious is happening here, and as opposed to the idea of it
being ridiculed or dismissed, it should be acknowledged and urgently investigated, as it may very well concern the future of civilization and the
effects on both individual and mass consciousness itself.
It is quite possible that there is a war on for the enslavement of your very consciousness through highly advanced technological manipulations. And
people are awakening to more and more of these discoveries almost by the day, so whatever is pushing this seems to be in a bit of hurry to accomplish
whatever it is trying to accomplish.
This is not the time for games or jokes, and there is not much point in trying to debate with those who continue to deny it is happening. Ignore them
and they will go away.