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DOD Freedom Of Information Act Response on UFOs

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posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 05:44 PM
I just thought I'd post this for everyone else to see. I sent about 8 different FOIA requests to the DOD and NSA. Each request was for information on the following projects:
Bluebook, Sigma, Plato, Aquarius, Redlight, Majestic 12, Luna, Yellowbook.
I found those projects listed here:

I received the exact same response to each of the requests from the DOD.
Here is their response:

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 12:33 AM
Thats great stuff I cant understand why no one poster a reply to this.
The Gov is hiding so much.....

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 06:55 AM
That's not hiding stuff, all they are saying is that its over at NARA (if it exist) instead.

Then again, I dont think the archives matter... My guess is that most secret ops never had any "official" records on what they where doing.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 07:24 AM
Actually, many researchers have requested several documents that we KNOW exist, for they are daily logs, etc. For example, the daily logs of the Roswell Army Air Field for the days in question. The answer was that they are "missing". One log did surface, but it is obviously altered (a pretty bad move, since other air bases' records show planes coming from Roswell, but the Roswell log shows no activity). They are most definitely hiding something, and the Roswell Case Closed report actually sealed the deal.


Because basically the Air Force ADMITTED there was a need to explain BODIES, and tried to use the parachute dummies to explain it away, even though it's now been shown that those dummies weren't used until about 5 years after the Roswell incident! Not to mention, records were kept about all of the Mogul launches and recoveries, and there are no records (not even altered ones) putting a balloon in the area in question during the date in question. Likewise, a balloon project would not still be classified after 50 years unless it was covering up something else....

Oddly enough, just with the thousands of pages of docs they HAVE released, one could easily make the case for a government coverup. I'm attempting to do just that (little pet project of mine). Personally, one of the most damning bits is reading anything by Ruppelt, former head of Project Bluebook, as he has repeatedly gone on record as saying eventually Bluebook was for debunking, not investigating the phenomenon....and that the best cases didn't come to Bluebook, but went elsewhere....

[edit on 25-1-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 07:53 AM
since we're discussing roswell...........what do you make of the book???

the day after roswell by col philip j corso???

i've ckd that one out from the library and i'm working my way through it........

that seems to be very specific............just wondering if you feel he was being totally upfront with his information.................

my thoughts thus far are that he's taking a huge risk.........potentially damaging his reputation the release of this maybe he's being truthful????

just wondering.............


posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 07:57 AM
He's dead for one thing.

Personally, I think he was pretty sincere...(sans the ego boosting, hehe)

Remember, this wasn't just some nut, he was a Major in the Pentagon, and worked alongside the very people who would be in the know on this, Trudeau, Sen. Thurmond, Twining, etc.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
He's dead for one thing.

Personally, I think he was pretty sincere...(sans the ego boosting, hehe)

Remember, this wasn't just some nut, he was a Major in the Pentagon, and worked alongside the very people who would be in the know on this, Trudeau, Sen. Thurmond, Twining, etc.

he's dead???? i didn't realize that............ that is my leaning too (that he was sincere) i mean he definitely had all the right connections and was seemingly working in the areas that would have had that info.

just wanted to get opinions from you guys too.

i'm still early in the book..............but very interesting!


posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 08:23 AM
Just as an addendum, there was nothing "odd" or mysterious about his passing. He wanted to get this out before he passed on.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 09:09 AM
You won't get any good information from them. I'm a FOIA pro. I've sent in 62 FOIA requests to every agency known to man and asked about every UFO/ET project document known to man. They aren't going to budge until major protests start happening in Washington D.C. just like the pro-gay rights and anti-abortion protests. We need to come together and make things happen or else the status quo with remain.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok

Because basically the Air Force ADMITTED there was a need to explain BODIES, and tried to use the parachute dummies to explain it away, even though it's now been shown that those dummies weren't used until about 5 years after the Roswell incident!
[edit on 25-1-2005 by Gazrok]

Exactly. This is what I don't get, that they think they can use an excuse that didn't even exsist at the time! So now Project Mogul is the big white elephant, but has anyone asked and confronted that it didn't exist at the time of Roswell. And what was the answer? Roswell to me, is the greatest government cover up of all time.

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