originally posted by: randomthoughts12
a reply to: RickinVa
I get so lost in the is is classified is it not or when argument so much I keep forgetting a important fact. These files were indeed access or hacked
and it it Hillaries fault and the main reason aside from theft and classification that it is not aloud, to take the info and security off
In order to keep electronic or paper versions of classified material at a private residence, many many steps have to be taken... there are literally
reams of regulations put forth by NSA that deal with these issues.
But above all else, you need to simply remember that all electronic US classified data is protected by NSA approved encryption devices....you must use
one of these NSA approved devices and the NSA approved encryption key... there is no lee way.... and no such device was used.
That is one of the first questions I would ask her....
Was the classified data found on your server protected by the required NSA encryption device and the associated NSA encryption key?
If that answer is no, then it has to be assumed that all the classified data was accessed by unauthorized individuals and everything is assumed to be
compromised. It's still classified, but considered to be compromised.
That view has been taken by the US Government for decades..... there always has to be a chain of custody for each piece of classified material...
when classified material has been found to have been leaked/spilled onto the open internet, then that data is assumed to have been compromised.
The biggest argument about Hillary is originally classified vs retroactively classified.... originally classified means the data is classified from
the moment it originates... retroactive classified is when unmarked classified data is found, then it is properly marked with the controls at that
time. Hillary likes to claim that this is the date the data is considered classified, at the point when it is marked with the proper controls. She
does this in spite of the fact that numerous emails that the State Department "retroactively" classified, should have been properly marked prior to
that by Hillary herself. She was also very clearly aware at that time that classified data may be marked or unmarked.
Retroactive classification can also be used to describe when data is considered classified after it was created, due to circumstances that did not
exist when it was created. This is another point that Hillary and her sycophants have focused on as an excuse. Not going to work out very well in her
favor, unfortunately. That is a defense to be presented at your trial, not really so much of an excuse.
Originally classified is sometimes referred to as "born classified". They both mean the same thing.
There is a lot of discussion about the Governments position of "originally classified" as being unconstitutional against free speech. That has never
been decided by the Supreme Court.
Maybe this case will be the case that takes that to the Supreme Court....but that will only happen long after Hillary would have been indicted and
convicted... that would be an appeal against a conviction.
That is about the easiest way I can explain it without quoting a bunch of legal stuff.
2200+ classified emails found on Hillarys unclassified email server. Her position is that all 2200+ classified emails were not classified when she
sent or received them, but were deemed to be classified later, after they left her possession, thereby making her innocent.
Two Inspector Generals and all of the reviewing agencies except the State Department have determined that they were classified when originated.
That's about it in the proverbial nutshell.
edit on R162016-04-25T12:16:42-05:00k164Vpm by RickinVa because: (no reason given)