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Would the World accept a new Messiah?

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posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 11:08 AM
Not sure if this would be the right place to post this, but those who believe in the messiah and the intended "second coming" and all that. How will you know.

If any person stood up and started talking of a religious topic that did not conform to the current chruch beliefs they would not be listened to.

When JC first came about did he not teach an alternate to the religion of the time. If that happened today the speaker would be classed as a cult leader, he would be flamed by most christians/catholics etc on this board if his speaking did not conicide with their own interpretation of things.

The church has a habit of trying to influence things so they are not proved to be wrong, now I am sure they only do this to try an prevent millions losing "faith", and not as a controlling measure.

Imagine if you will, be open minded, if we have the interpretation of the bible wrong, or if we have misunderstood certain elements of the scripture if a man, or women, stood up and offered an alternate meaning not one person of current church teachings would listen or believe.

My local vicar said if the messiah had come we would of known, but how, the story of Jesus jumps from his birth to, what, him about 30 years old, he didn't perform miracles until he was known from my own understanding anyway.

Now I am not a religious scholar and I know I may bit a little of regarding JC's age and when he started performing miracles but please don't concentrate on that part more the other bits.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 11:12 AM
I think the next person who comes who is considered to be the messiah will actually be the antichrist. Only after that will Jesus return.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 11:17 AM
That's great, but not quite what I was after.

This board holds a very small proportion of faith followers, in a global scale scenario, and anyone who posts a religous theory of scripture, interpretation of meaning etc is immediatley jumped on. I know faith is a strong feeling, and to have faith, to me anyway, you can have no doubt in what you believe.

Which is why this will be a hard question to answer, you have to think hyperthetically, what if we are wrong and the messiah returned again to put us back on track after losing the meaning of gods words, as he did all those years ago, would we listen, would we believe, or would we ignore him.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 11:22 AM
In today's world such a person would probably be passed off as a charlatan or crazy or something. If someone came who performed miracles in front of large groups, on TV etc. then the world may follow him...again in my opinion that sounds like the prophesy of the antichrist's actions.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
In today's world such a person would probably
be passed off as a charlatan or crazy or something.

As Christ was 2,000 years ago. He was deemed a

I don't know about the rest of the world, but I wouldn't
accept a new messiah. We still haven't even put into practice
what the first one taught. Why would we need a second

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 11:27 AM
I think most people will take anybody that will proclaim themselves the son of a God.

People, religion has conditioned their followers about the bible tales that they will probably accept anything and anybody, specially in this days in wish miracles are scarse and easily debunked and some religious followers are starting to question their faith and the church.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
In today's world such a person would probably be passed off as a charlatan or crazy or something.

That is my thinking as well. I think relgion has become arrogant and settle for the written teaching rather than seeking to learn more. The church has become self-righteous as the true voice of God without exception. That say it is so, so it is. JC taught for us to find, learn and seek our faith, he did not expect us to be cattle, lemmings or any other herd animal, otherwise God would of created us with similar intelligence.

[quote]If someone came who performed miracles in front of large groups, on TV etc. then the world may follow him...again in my opinion that sounds like the prophesy of the antichrist's actions.

Very true, not exaclty the world, but there is quite a few that believe Mr Blane is a good candidate, of Messiah standards
Not to hot on the prophecies regarding the anti-christ personally so not sure. Every person, church I go to seems to have a different take on things, don't know my head from my arse half the time when it come to religion.

Hence the question.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 08:12 AM
The book of revelations is actually an addition in later times from the period of 400AD onwards and has very little historical truth. For a better read of so called end times maybe a better read is Isiah.

I think the way Revelations is written is a Catch 22. If the Messiah did return then the church could deny him as they have the "accepted" prophecy of Revelation. As even the highest in the Church know , The Modern church is just a paltry reflection of JC's teachings and high powered leaders over history have added and changed the bible to suit their own ends.

A true messiah that came would not sit well with the church and as from ancient documents they "know" he is coming Revelations is a good safe guard.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 08:49 AM
Personally I beleive that when the Messiah came again it would be unmistakenably obvious that he is in-fact the Messiah and I doubt he/she would be subjected to going on TV and doing tricks for an audience...

There are so many vastly different religions, dont you think that if the Messiah returned it would cause chaos for all the other religious group that dont conform and what would that mean to them?

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 09:01 AM
Good point Zenem!

Most other religions have a messianic figure,
Jews=messiah, christians=2nd coming, Buddhists=Maitreya, hindus=Kalki, muslims =imam gahdi (?)
so hopefully it would just prove them all that they were right somewhere and we can all get on with real enlightenment!
Woo-Hoo I can't wait lets keep raising those vibrations

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 09:15 AM
If the Messiah came again and started doing stupid tricks on TV, I would immediately lose any respect for him.

I agree with djohnsto that if someone like that actually appeared, it would more likely be the Antichrist, or perhaps some random black magic guy
By the way, Horus, the messianic figure for muslims is Christ himself, not some imam gahdi(?mahdi?). According to muslims, Christ is supposed to come from the sky, defeat the antichrist, and rule over the believers until the end.

[edit on 14/1/05 by babloyi]

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by HorusRa7777
Most other religions have a messianic figure,
Jews=messiah, christians=2nd coming, Buddhists=Maitreya, hindus=Kalki, muslims =imam gahdi (?)
so hopefully it would just prove them all that they were right somewhere and we can all get on with real enlightenment!
Woo-Hoo I can't wait lets keep raising those vibrations


I beleive that when the time comes, the world will probably be in such a state of dis-array & chaos after who-knows-what disaster or war that we will have to accept a new "revised" interpretation of religion thats pretty definitive and not up to debate.

THe whole point of the bible ( opinion) is to offer guidlines on how one should live life & be humble to install some sense of order. It was introduced so long ago & it is still going strong. Thats how strong an effect the teachings had, to i create a story that lives on and continues to teach thousands of years after it occured

Im not very religous, I just have faith in certain things based upon my experiences & Im starting to think that its more of a case "that" you beleive and not what.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 09:20 AM
Sorry I wasnt very clear , YTou are absolutely right Babloyi, the word "Imam Gahdi" is the muslim (Or possibly Sufi) word for Christ.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 09:29 AM
What do you think it will be like? Do you think s/he will have to make us give up things or just point us towards things that are of a spiritual nature?

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 09:38 AM
The bible says Christ will appear in the clouds for the entire world to see. I think it will be easy to recognize his return; you won’t be able to miss it. Christ will be impersonated in the last days but he will not appear in the sky, this is how we will know.

Matthew 24:30

At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory. 31And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.

Matthew 26:64

“Yes, it is as you say,” Jesus replied. “But I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”

Luke 21:27-28

At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.

Revelation 1:7

Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of him. So shall it be! Amen.

2 Thessalonians 1

and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 09:39 AM
I think Jesus made a very pointed remark about being a messiah, which was pretty much if you want to be Jesus, take up your cross and walk. I have my own theories about what he meant that I will not address here, but it seems to me that he was saying anybody could be, they simply have to take up the cause and walk the talk. No, modern society wouldn't handle a true messiah very well, that is why all true religon is now esoteric, the flim flams we attend on sunday aren't even close to the truth. To sum it up on religon and why they hid it away from the teeming masses, I'll quote Jack Nicholson, "You can't handle the truth!"

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 10:07 AM
[Christ will be impersonated in the last days but he will not appear in the sky, this is how we will know.]

I dont understand this comment as all your ref's say he will be in the sky, please clarify! ( It could be it is just Friday afternoon and half my brain has shut down!!!!

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