posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 08:10 PM
Oh yeah = so whats so different about the 60s teenagers rebellions, the 70s, 80s and 90s kids
In fact Nothing will change these young kids are pretty stupid these days and I dont listen nor trust a dam word they say - not when im 35 and been
through far more experience than some dickhead 20 year old who thinks they know it all
hence history repeating itself
Not to say I didn't think my generation when i was 18 in the 90s were going to revolt...but yeah bunch of bull#
I just wish ed they would shut up and listen to how silly they sound...I refuse to have ANYTHING dictated to me from a 20 something idiot.
In other words to the kids im talking about - SHUT THE F UP - i say it because your parents clearly never said it to you, nor you were ever
disciplined correctly and are a little prick on this planet that doesnt deserve oxygen since they feel entitled to EVERYTHING....ALL THE TIME.
edit on 19-4-2016 by themec because: (no reason given)