Furthermore these frescoes were painted in the 18th century more than two thousand years after the origins of the original story they tell. They
account may have been distorted throughout the centuries during which the story was relayed.
However, given the importance of this work placed under the direct supervision of King Rama I, we can expect the pictorial rendition to have been
executed as accurately as possible respective to the original descriptions passed down in Thailand’s most revered literary work, the Ramakien.
“ The Ramayana was first written down, according to tradition, in the forests of India by Valmiki in the fourth century BC. “
One can wonder if there is any relation between the Sumerian creation stories with the Annunaki from Niburu, as the Ramayana is another creation story
replete with unusual creatures we may tend to consider as Gods.
Ramayana is Real, Say Experts
The original text later incorporated into Buddhism refers to creatures that are “Man Eaters” such as Draconians are said to be:
However a Rakshasa himself a dangerous Rahshada Demi-god creature, took sides with Rama and opposed his own brother Ravana, King of Lanka. Vihishana
killed him and was crowned by Rama King of Lanka, today called Sri Lanka:
Note that these Lanka Kings were both grandsons of the Demon King Somali, presumably a high ranking Draco Overlord:
“ Sumali was the son of demon king Sukesa and Gandharva princess Manimaya. He had two brothers Malyavana and Mali. Sumali was married to Ketumati
with whom he had ten sons (Prahasta, Akampana, Vikata, Kalikamukha, Dhumraksha, Danda, Suprasva, Sanhradi, Praghasa, and Bhaskarna) and four daughters
(Raka, Puspotkata, Kaikashi, Kumbhnashi). One of his daughters Kaikashi was married to sage Vishrava who later gave birth to Ravana, Kumbhakarna,
Vibhishana, and Shurpanakha. “
This alliance with a most fearsome creature was to solidify one’s power. Possibly this is how Alien exopolitics are still led today.
edit on 31-1-2021 by Getsmart because: Added articles