posted on May, 2 2016 @ 09:51 PM
Don't know if it's being wiped clean or if they are simply merging elements of the pre and post nu52.
As far as minority characters are concerned, meh.
By which I mean, as long as the story is good, I'll read it.
I thought the transition from Peter Parker to Miles Morales in Ultimate was done poorly, but liked what they did with the character for most of the
Not been a fan of the dark and brooding Superman except for occasional stories. But killing him off just to replace him with pre 52 Supes just seems
As far as female Thor goes... I've seen more people complain about it that don't read comics than do. The run has been pretty good, barring some face
palming moments where they want to drive in a "We're totes feminists, girl power guys!" message.
Meanwhile having new characters like Ms. Marvel, which isn't for me but sells pretty well cheers me up.
For awhile I could read pretty much all the titles and they all felt very similar, Marvel has managed to diversify their books. There are some I
don't like, but are successful in their own right. And that's great.