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I'm Tom DeLonge, Co-Author of Sekret Machines: Chasing Shadows, Ask Me Anything

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posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 10:49 AM
Why are we here? Probably because we all believe some of the same stuff. Fist, the world is a bit boring, so we collectively search the internet for fantastic, unbelievable, and insanely imaginative stories to be entertained. And most people do, actually. Except for us, we look for the ones that could be true.

The UFO phenomenon became, years ago, the ONLY thing that got my mind of the incredibly competitive nature of Rock and Roll. To succeed in a large rock band, you need to obsess about music at all hours of the day: What song you need to write, what tour production may be impactful, what video would cause a stir, what album name you wont hate after 5 years, and what 50 shows will we be playing a year from now? All very mind “filling”…

The idea that all of it is meaningless, that 9-5 jobs mean #, that Earth ain’t so special… That someone is building anti-gravity craft in an underground base, with astronauts in cool uniforms, and CIA guys marching around knowing all the secrets to the Universe… well, that is a much cooler story than mine. And what if it was true? At least some of it? That is why I love it. Nothing better to make me feel insignificant than a good ol’ Secret Space Program for National Security reasons idea.

I used to believe it all…I mean ALL. Every Serpo, Dulce, Schneider, Burisch, MJ12, Redlight, Hybrid…. etc… on and on and on… Then, after a bit of time and 150 books, I didn't believe anything. I was pissed, felt duped, felt like there was no treasure hunt needed, no rabbit hole to fall into.

What a waste of time. Well, not exactly-

Now, guess what. The UFO phenomenon is TRUE. And yes, I know it is. Ive been told very important information about it, by the people who run the programs. Not every legend is true, but this one is. But be careful, there is a lot of crap out there. By design, to do what it has done to me. To prepare us for the small bit that IS true. And guess what, I didn't freak out when I was told. I didn't panic and burn down my house. I sat quietly and listened. And got excited for all the great things that could happen as the result. The ramifications are massive.

I didn't get to ask every question. I asked for answers to SPECIFIC questions. So I have answers to give. Not details. Yes, these answers do exist in various places throughout the internet and books. But until NOW, you and I could not carve fact from fiction. We had NO WAY of knowing which of the thousand stories or ideas out there were actually true. We had no way of saying, yes, Aliens are this, and they are from there…. and they are doing this… etc. Even the Phd researcher is guessing at best. He has no security clearance. But my story is pretty cool, i got directed to the source over a very careful year of trying and pleading and pitching… and being respectful. Not being a conspiracy theorist. If you are one, they look at you as an amateur that entertains himself with only the lies that exist. You are not considered mature enough to understand the gravity of the issue.

I hope to tell you answers as to who they are, why this is secret, what we are doing because of it… and a few other things.

So… lets get started.
edit on 11-4-2016 by SkepticOverlord because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 10:56 AM
What do you believe really happened at Roswell?

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 10:56 AM
So what do the aliens want then ?

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: TomDeLonge

When will humanity start to receive technology that will change our current situation?

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 10:58 AM
Where did all of the aliens go? I mean we used to have crappy VHS shots of them all the time.

Do you think they just hide better, or more frightening, did they see what we had to offer and decided we weren't worth the trouble?
edit on 11-4-2016 by Bennyzilla because: me spell no good

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 10:59 AM
This should be interesting, bump and welcome.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 10:59 AM
Thank You for taking the time with us!

Cutting to the chase, before it gets nuttso in here, there are lots of alleged types of Et's zipping around. Can you enlighten us to the who's, what's and why's specifically?

Appreciate anything you can share, heck I'll take the scraps on just the "who's" LOL!! I buy into the Grays and possibly the Whites, but Archcons, galactic federations and the rest not so much. I'd really like to get some clarity on this if you could?

Much Appreciated!!

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 10:59 AM
Hi Tom, the book is great! I'm only 2/3's through but it's fascinating.

Truth be told there's so much to take from all this but my personal takeaway is just how far we've come technologically.

What worries me though is how far we've come in psychological warfare. This can be many things or nothing at all I suppose. Where does the truth end and the fiction begin? What is the true modus operandi for this "disclosure"? These questions are more rhetorical than directed but feel free to share your thoughts.

Being a native to the Pottsville area, the book for me was very surreal. The discriptions of locations felt spot on and drew me into the story. I'll try to finish up the book today and hope to be back with a more specific question. Thanks for your time.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 10:59 AM
Thank you Tom for joining ATS and sharing this with us.

I suspect out of all the "disclosure" pieces over the years, finally this is one to take seriously. I am interested to know, why you.
Why a rock star?
Granted you are interested in this topic as most die hard ATSers are. There have been people who have gotten close to the truth and ended up missing or worse. Was it your fame that they chose to drip feed information through as you have access to a large following of people that us 'crazies' don't? I am just very very interested to know, do you think they chose you, or do you think you broke through the curtain, and if so how?

What you say, is in line with what I have thought for a long time, so I am not disagreeing with your premise, It solidifies my thought on tribal controls.

Also will there be a tangible release of this information from an authorized agency that coincides with your books?

Cheers Zazz
edit on 11-4-2016 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 11:00 AM

Considering your experiences and the things you have been told, would you be willing to say that the UFO phenomenon has Earthly origins and not extra-terrestrial?

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: TomDeLonge

1. Do you use music theory?

2.why are aliens here?

3. Who's in charge of controlling information?

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 11:02 AM
How can we be sure that you're not here to spread more misinformation, further muddling the already fringe field of the study of UFO phenomena?

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 11:02 AM
Hey Tom,

I've watched some of your interviews and am very intrigued with the information you have to share. How did you manage to meet and get in with the crowd who actually knows the truth? There have been dozens of people trying to break into that group of people who are in the know and it seems like you are one of a very few if any that have gotten there. What separates you from them in being able to talk to meet and talk to these people and have them share their information with you?

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 11:04 AM
Is there a religious/supernatural/mystical connection to the UFO phenom?

Is it tied to ancient Egyptian mythology?

Or the 4th Reich ala Jim Marrs?
edit on 11-4-2016 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: TomDeLonge


Looking forward to reading all the knowledge you can share!

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: TomDeLonge

You're not TomDeLonge! I'm the real TomDeLonge!

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 11:07 AM
Hi Tom.

Welcome to ATS.

I too have been down your road.

So question for you. What's your opinion of the OP on this ATS thread?

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 11:08 AM
First of all, thank you for your time and for this great opportunity for those of us deeply interested to maybe gain some knowledge and insight into this arena. I believe we have been and are being visited, and we will continue to do so. We are under a microscope and being watched. My question is, is there more than 1 species visiting our planet? I have heard, read and believe there is. Do you have the answer? Thanks again.

edit on 11am30am5091 by data5091 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 11:08 AM
Thank you for your time Tom. Would you say the "others" and what we would call extraterrestrials are actually two different types of entities?

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 11:08 AM
Do you think your documentary will lead to disclosure, or be a huge step in the right direction? And when does it come out approximately?


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