posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:29 PM
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Thinking about it logically, if Eve was an afterthought, as the Bible account seems to imply, then God would've had to go back and make some
'adjustments' to Adam...
From conception, until about 6-7 weeks, all foetuses are female! Which goes to explain why men have nipples. *L*
Also, biologically, it is the female mitochondria that gives the 'spark of life' to both men and women.
It is the woman who carries and bears the child, whether it is male or female, so where do men get off with abusing and mistreating women?
I cannot get my head around people mistreating animals, much less people who mistreat women as though they were unfeeling animals.
At some stage, the Christian church (not sure which one or when, but it did happen) had a vote (by men) to decide if women were even human?? Women
were adjudged human, by the narrowest of margins.
What the....???