I need to look through those recipes- thanks for the thread!
A few weeks ago, I melted some chocolate (99% cocoa) mixed it with some high fat cream, some vanilla (scraped from the bean) some coconut flakes,
coconut oil.... and at the last minute, added some fiber (Baltone).
I poured that in small silicone molds and put it in the freezer.
Once in a while, if I can afford the calories (about 100 each) I eat one. But I have learned to choose the moment carefully because they double as
laxatives, apparently....
Tonight I'm making a sort of keto version of chile rellenos- I grill and peel my chiles, then cut them and layer them in a cassorole dish. I mix eggs
and creme fraiche (closest equivalent, sour cream). I pour that on, and that put a good layer of grated cheese. I also cut up some spicy chorizo and
threw that on top.
Whole family LOVED it last time, and it is virtually carb free (depends on your chiles). Lots of calories, but if you don't eat much during the day,
it is worth the wait.
Right now my favorite dessert is a couple spoonfuls of cream, with about 80 grams of raspberries. There's only about 4 grams of carbs in that amount
of raspberries! I actually ate that for breakfast yesterday.
With the talk of whether or not this sort of diet is good for you....
I would recommend that women in peri, or post menopause look into it.
I struggled with hot flashes and some mental fogginess until I began this diet. Those problems disappeared COMPLETELY.
I don't remember when I last had a hot flash.
edit on 8-8-2016 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)