posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 08:53 PM
Originally posted by ProphetOfYahweh
I'm surprized anti-war peoples haven't had a mass conversion to Shi'a Islam since most Iraqis are Shi'ites. Wouldn't that be a good way to stick
it to Bush's Fundamentalist Christian crusade?
I do subscribe to the theory that most humans are abysmally stupid, so don't take this personally. Let's try a dictionary definition:
1. Antiwar; adj.-
opposed to war.
A person opposed to war
cannot convert to Islam, for the Koran orders believers to
murder non-believers. I challenge every non-Muslim
on Earth to read the Koran, just once- for the purpose of knowing your enemy. It's only about a quarter of an inch thick, and more murderous per
square inch than a Stephen King novel. The guy who wrote it was a psycopath, and anyone who professes this 'religion' is either uninformed,
following peer pressure- or psycopathic.
2. It would not be a good way to stick it to anyone, except Islam. Muslims should realize that the vast majority of American rednecks (and former
peaceniks) are just
this close to snapping into WW II Relocation Camp Mode, and believe me any kind of mass Islamic anything inside the United
States would make it happen faster than my granny farts.
3. Finally, Islamic Terror is not facing a fundamentalist Christian crusade. It is facing an informed, aroused, forewarned world population of many
faiths, who, thanks to modern communications, understands its methods and agenda and is universally opposed to terror in the name of G-d.
Y'all in Islam are welcome to come and rejoin your ancient Atlantean Elders tribes any time. Belly up to the barbecue, have some spareribs and beer
with your older Brothers. Hellyeh, why would any Atlantean want to join something new like Islam, when we already got all that? Give it up, Arabia.
You know you want to join
?Claro que si? Bueno.
[edit on 16-1-2005 by Chakotay]