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Joining the Australian Defence Force

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posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 07:06 PM
I'm going to attempt to keep this short, I'm a 25 year old male living in NSW Australia. I have spent the majority of my life on the outskirts of the general population, accepted attitudes to most things, I don't care about iPhones and social media, I don't care what's trending or think that the news has anything interesting to say. I've spent the majority of my life in study, music, teaching, business and now electrotechnology, which I'm really enjoying, non of the former really challenged my brain and were mostly to sate creative passions.

At my age, it's unlikely i'll secure a mature age apprenticeship, it seems most employers don't want to pay for it. My current course is a pre-apprenticeship course designed to gain foundation skills in the electrical field. I want to build a career in the electrical sector, but the general construct of normal working life seems boring to me. Get up, go to work, come home, eat, sleep, repeat, enjoy your weekends off and start again. I can't picture myself functioning in this world, and it often plagues my thoughts to the point of constant depression.

One avenue that always creeps in is joining the Australian Army, or Air Force, and attempting to undertake an electrical trade there. It's a big commitment, though It is in stark contrast to the life I know I don't want to live, so maybe it could be the answer.

I want to grab some perspectives from others, I'm at the end of my rope really so turning to the internet community is a bit of a desperate attempt at getting some direction. Any opinions, experiences, suggestions welcome.

Thanks heaps,

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: Zehll

You can join up for one year.
They are targeting 'gap year' students atm.

This would be a good way to see if you can find a niche in the ADF in your chosed electric/electronic field.

A suck it and see if you like. Much better than the old 7 or 9 yr sign on.

Good luck finding what you seek.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: Zehll

I can only get a "sense" from your op...(yes...I am considered a "sensitive")...that this is the path you should take. And though Ive never been down know precisely that this is a great thing for you, your future and career.

I sense you were more convincing yourself this is what you really want instead of seeking advice and opinions!

Go for what feels right. Never look back wondering....either way. God bless...whatever you decide.

But, I know you may already have!

Good lUck!


posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 08:37 PM
I have a friend who's been in the ADF since practically the moment he left high school, a good twelve/thirteen years now. I haven't spoken to him recently, but I know that he loves his work.

My personal opinion is - go for it. They are always looking for people, pay well, and you will learn new skills to complement the skills you already possess.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 02:20 AM
I'm 58 now. Joined the ADF at a young age. Gave me the knowledge and principles to set me on track. Very happy now as are all my mates who joined at the same time. (1974). Did my 9 years then moved on. The ADF taught me to cook, wash, iron, clean and sew, look after the kids better than most. Can shoot, trap, fish, farm and renovate. Yes I'm a house husband.

No debt, own my own place and have a great wife who now provides income. Maybe this isn't the ideal lifestyle for some at a young age but I can attest it certainly provides for at my age. My youngest boy is 13. I have had 7 kids. ADF gave me a background to build on.

Hope this helps. By the way, listen to your instructors if you join.. They teach the things to avoid that they have learned to regret later in life and try and provide a better outcome for their students. (In most cases anyway).

Kind regards,


edit on 30-3-2016 by bally001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 03:03 AM
Do it! I served best time of my life still intouch with mates thirty year later and these mates I can trust.
May be a bit controversial but think about joining the British Army in my time lots of Aussies, NZ and South Africans. And still are I believe and nowadays some great postings. Yes Afghans over but we're in Libya and not only SF, winter training in Norway, infantry and tanks train in Canada, Kenya and Borneo are still British military training areas Great postings in Cyprus and a battle group were recently on the Ukraine border. Great life went in a boy came out a man lol
Your 25 you can go and chill out by Bondi beach in ten year mate! Live your life.
edit on 30-3-2016 by redchad because: Spelling

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 03:12 AM
a reply to: Zehll

Have you found out what the potential is for leaning an electrical trade in the millit-tree or you just going to rely on pot luck? You have no rights or say in anything in the millit-tree dont forget, you simply do as your told.

People with milit-tree backgrounds have one great advantage when seeking work on the outside again and that is they get hired purely because they either do as they are told or because they are good at bullying other people around.

I applied for a job recently where one of the questions I had to answer was whether or not I had milit-tree background.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 03:26 AM
a reply to: Azureblue it's called discipline, toughness, determination or vigour

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 04:33 AM
Go for it, at worst you come out of boot camp fitter than you have been your whole life and refreshed to give the "real world" another go. At best, you find you love military life, love your job, love your new friends, get an awesome education and travel the world on the government's dime.

One thing I'd suggest though is not mention "normal" life boring you and making you feel depressed. From my experience that'll be an immediate rejection from the residence military shrink.

I applied for a sniper role when I was 24 with ambitions of moving to the SAS. I topped my group in the intelligence & physical tests, was packed and ready for boot camp, then got rejected by the shrink at the last minute. I told her I feel like it's a great path for me to take because I wanted more of a challenge than I was getting in my normal life, wanted to do my bit to make the world better/safer, thought it was a noble/honourable "job", and didn't have anything tying me down that would make it difficult to move around, travel at short notice etc. Somehow she translated that as "I want the army to fix all my problems"...found that quite confusing as I didn't really have any problems at that stage in my life other than general boredom *shrugs*

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: Zehll
You and I may be kindred spirits in this regard. I am a studious scholarly type, not your typical soldier; however I found 'intellectual' jobs lacking and received my fill of excitement in the Reserves for a time.

My best advice is to remember you can always leave if you dislike it. Do not be afraid to try.

posted on Mar, 30 2016 @ 04:02 PM
This has been very helpful, thanks everyone for your input, I think I'm going to set up a session and get some more information (albeit, the jazzed up recruiter version) about my possibilities, updates to come

Thanks again!


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