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The Combat of the Conspiracy Throerist is the Agents of the 3 D's

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posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 06:52 PM
Below is a short synopsis of what a disinformation or counter intelligence agent does in order to keep the truth from being discovered. He enlists the arsenal of the 3D's.

Disinformation or Misinformation is the reason certain agents of misinformation use the three D’s. Whether these agents are govt or counter govt, religious or counter religious, racist or counter racist, intelligence or counter intelligence (et al any group of individuals who want to disrupt other individuals and keep newcomers from following) they all use three distinct D’s. These three D’s are Dismiss, Debunk and Demean. In the end the results of the 3 D’s work together to destroy more than to build up.

1) Dismiss or Discredit

This is where any information given whether it be a conspiracy theory or a religion is taken by the agent of the three D’s to discredit the original information placing doubt so the new person or active ones will no longer look further in search of the truth.

An example of this in political field is this, one is presented with the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job. The Agents duty is to first discredit the information so as to stop or discourage the hearer/reader from looking any further into it

Another example in the field of religious belief, one is presented with the truth that the Bible is the infallible word of God preserved for us today. The agents job is to present opposing view to discredit that truth to dissuade people from trusting the Bible as infallible.

Discredit the info even with info that is far fetched and you have already hook people to believe what you say is true even without facts.

2) Distract

Un-distracted truth is easier to follow and believe than Distracted Truth. We call distraction on the Web and in Public Speaking “rabbit trails”. Create as many distractions or rabbit trails by placing as much misinformation as possible out there in opposition to truth so as to lead in so many directions that the one searching for truth is overcome with despair at ever coming to the knowledge of the truth, because he has to chace through a myriad of Rabbit trails of misinformation. this is burdensome to the reader.

The way this is done is to place as much misinformation mingled with a little truth as facts with no proof as possible in the minds of the hearer/readers to cause them to divert in many directions as possible. This causes more confusion and often creates an atmosphere that one can never know for sure. A really responsive person to the disinformationist will quickly realize that they are no where near the original information and have gotten so far off the beaten path of the truth that they have only two alternatives. Return to the original info and start over or stop altogether. If you stop they have done their job successfully.

This leads us to the third D,

3) Demean.

After first disseminating counter ideas and actions and Distracting as much as possible, the next step of an agent of disinformation is to demean anyone who get’s in their way. Name calling is the choice of most agents of disinformation. Name calling strikes into the heart of the hearer/reader to cause anger and counter attacks. In the long run it causes discouragement for others to follow along because it has become so cumbersome to follow with what appears to look like childish behaviour. But in fact it is the desired affect the Agents of Disinformation to dismiss and distract the info.

Conclusion is no matter what is the reason, whatever the agenda these 3D’s are used by agents of counter intelligence no matter what intelligence they are countering is to cause enough distraction from the truth that no one wants to question it and in the end leaves if floating out there as Conspiracy. However if you recognize these 3D’s in use you can quickly ignore the counter agent and press on in your quest for truth.

Beware of the 3D’s of counter intelligence when ever you are in any type of forum or visiting a website that has any of these elements to it. At best just be aware of these and you can get around it. Any good counter argument can be done without these 3 D's. But when ever the 3D's are present know that the only reason they are there is to discourage the quest for truth.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 06:59 PM
Hmm Sounds a lot like Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals .

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: Gothmog

It is used regularly by the FBI, CIA and MI6 as well as any govt counter intelligence agency of any nation.

It is also used by religious orders to counter true teachings.

I am sure that even in some MSM you can find it used as well.

And certainly the US Administration has used it over the last 7 plus years.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 07:21 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
a reply to: Gothmog

It is used regularly by the FBI, CIA and MI6 as well as any govt counter intelligence agency of any nation.

It is also used by religious orders to counter true teachings.

I am sure that even in some MSM you can find it used as well.

And certainly the US Administration has used it over the last 7 plus years.

And the main way to crush free thinking in the world today.

edit on 7201631070320167 by Gothmog because: change wording

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 07:54 PM
Sounds about right, when going over these topics I find this website helpful.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Muddying the waters... silencing & intimidation... continual bombardment of propaganda

S & F OP, great write up

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