posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:20 PM
This will only affect the working class areas, they will end up looking like slumps at the end, the affluent areas will never be touch by this type of
"programs" as no even the government subsidies can afford the properties.
I have seen this done around my neck of the woods, after it was done the working class tax payers just moved on to other areas, what was left behind
is now nothing but low income neighborhoods, in the beginning you could get a nice home for lest money, but while you were a home owner your neighbor
was not, so you will get one nice looking house next to one that was unkept.
Now my own neighborhood after the 2008 has been also going down the hill, now, most of the houses around ours are nothing but rentals and the owners
will take anybody regardless as long as the house is rented.
Usually you get no only one family per house but one that shares the house with several families.
Sometimes the say so about you can leave the ghetto but can not get the ghetto out of you comes to mind.