posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to:
Makes sense Zaphod58 thanks. I also found this on skunk works digest site.
Robin Hill wrote:>
It's been done. YF-117A (792) was used for ARPA tests of exactly that type
of coating to try to reduce the aircraft's IR signature in July 1993. The
project was reportedly called SENIOR SPUD. Tests took place in late morning
or early afternoon and in the predawn and early morning hours.
The coating was applied mainly to the the left side of the aircraft. The
aircraft performed various maneuvers in the vicinity of Edwards AFB,
including low passes over the main runway. IR measurements were taken by
sensors onboard the NKC-135A (55-3135) Flying Infrared Signatures Technology
Aircraft (FISTA).
Peter Merlin
edit on 27-3-2016 by Empire101 because: (no reason given)
edit on 27-3-2016 by Empire101 because: (no reason given)