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10th graders artwork posted in municipal building, KKK Cop holding gun to black child.

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posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

600,000 White men died to end slavery

That's a misleading phrasing of the statistic isn't it? Roughly 300,000 died to preserve slavery.

Jim Crow is dead [...] and isolated police incidents and the distant past is all they have to hold together this victim narrative.

Considering that we as a country only put an end to Jim Crow laws 52 years ago — a change that was met with tremendous opposition by a very large percentage of the population — I don't know how distant that past really is.

Thanks for that Al Sharpton, BLM, Obama and every other race baiter pushing this agenda.

Should we "thank" the GOP for their own racial divisive Southern Strategy? There's no shortage of exploitation at work here.

Rather than lowering yourself into the cesspool of identity politics, why not advocate for an actual solution? "Get over it already" isn't going to fix the underlying socioeconomic factors (which are directly attributable to previous generation's overt racism) anymore than trying to eradicate "racism" will. That war is largely (though not entirely) won as society as a whole has deemed racism bad. I think this is a point that is lost on a lot of activists and I would attribute some of this to the push back of people who give the Sharptons of the world somebody to point their fingers at.

Real economic opportunity. That's the solution and it's going to require that the employment situation improves. If you are having trouble believing that a lack of economic opportunity is a powerful motivator, consider the support for Trump. In many regards, there's a similar dynamic at work there — people are aware of the decrease in opportunity and the lack of upward mobility and many are angry about it. Trump exploits this sentiment and gives them some people to blame in the same way that Al Sharpton does.

We've all got to stop being part of the problem.
edit on 2016-3-26 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian

That's a misleading phrasing of the statistic isn't it? Roughly 300,000 died to preserve slavery.

Considering that we as a country only put an end to Jim Crow laws 52 years ago — a change that was met with tremendous opposition by a very large percentage of the population — I don't know how distant that past really is.

Rather than lowering yourself into the cesspool of identity politics, why not advocate for an actual solution? "Get over it already" isn't going to fix the underlying socioeconomic factors.

Real economic opportunity. That's the solution and it's going to require that the employment situation improves.
We've all got to stop being part of the problem.

In the Civil War it didn't matter which side you died fighting for because the end result was the end of slavery. Only 6% of Whites owned slaves and the rest were fighting to keep Union armies out of their States. A capture Confederate was asked by a Union Captain why he was fighting the Union - "Because y'all are down here" was his response.

I wasn't aware I was swimming in the cesspool of identity politics, I was remarking on how that is the operating principle of those groups that support the Democratic party. You will often hear Blacks remark about "my people" when speaking of other Blacks. Most Whites don't feel that same kind of bond. This is why identity politics works for minorities though I will readily admit many do not and blend in with larger society as a whole while rejecting such notions. They are called "sell-outs" and "Uncle Toms" for doing so and there is pressure to act within the confines of the group and remain there. Such is the price for successful Blacks who manage to escape "the hood".

I agree 100% economic opportunity is key to bringing financial equality and ending the poverty cycle. Of course if you point out the fact that both legal and illegal immigration bring huge numbers ( 60 million at present) of unskilled workers and displace both poor Blacks and Whites from even manual labor jobs you are branded a racist. Globalism has led to the US exporting our industry to other countries which was the other major source of jobs for those without College education. So now we have neither manual labor or blue collar industrial jobs for young people to start life and become self-supporting. I dug ditches, did landscaping and drove trucks until I managed to find an opportunity to apprentice and learn a skill. Kids today can rarely even find those kinds of jobs to get started - all that's left is service industries like fast food and retail sales.

Not everyone is cut out for college and nowadays a degree in many subjects is basically worthless except to the bank who made the students loans. Poor inner city schools fail miserably in educating the youth to the point of being accepted in to college - yet one more stumbling block.

Small wonder selling drugs is a popular way to make money when every other door looks closed. Inner city youth don't see a future, at least not significantly different from the life they are currently living. Such despair contrasts sharply with the images of celebrities and sports stars who are living the "good life". It's a cruel world that tempts everyone by showing how the wealthy live while denying you even the basic minimums to live without fear of job loss or homelessness. I can understand the rage and despair felt among these young people just as you do.

I'm unsure how either you or I are part of the problem here. I think at our core we both believe in equal opportunity and rights and providing a path for kids to be able to move forward in life. Sheer numbers makes illegal aliens the most important and easily addressable issue to tackle. Creating jobs and bringing industry back so that we can become a net exporting Nation would be my second priority, Energy costs and the destruction of the coal industry play a large part as do unfair trade deals we have made with other countries. Beyond that it will take hard work, a willingness to let go of past hurts and hatreds and find a new spirit of brotherhood as Americans to move forward together.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 02:38 PM
Why are people mad at this kids painting, mural, art is a personal expression, more fake outrage as usual.

So the people on ats that complain about liberal snowflakes, turn around and cry about this.

Dont change ats.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 03:50 PM
If this kid borrowed a picture of the last supper to copy, people would bitch about a religious message.
Folks just like to complain.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 07:38 PM
This shartist definitely won't be the next Basquiat.

10th grade or not, this is just flat out ignorant.

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

SO you are pretending that modern day party politics played a part in the civil war?

That is absurd. The democratic party was in line with all things racist in its inception. IT was the party for failed civil war racists.

Also, you have a simplistic view if you think that racism in policy is limited to those examples. You fail to grasp the grand scope of what the civil war was over, which was not limited to slavery.

Do you even know the changes to government beyond slavery reform?

No, you get your information from the discovery channel-

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Are you an art critic?

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:26 AM

originally posted by: theantediluvian

originally posted by: Lysergic
Funny nobody drew one for the Adult Gang member that killed a rival gang members 9yr old son.

Why does that comment make sense to you? Because gang violence kills more people? Automobile accidents kill exponentially more people per year than gangs. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the US by a healthy margin. Should we as a society ignore everything that isn't heart disease?

I don't think you'd make that argument.

What about the fact that law enforcement officers are public servants, sworn to uphold the law and protect citizens and that when on duty, they are empowered with legal authority and given legal protection beyond that of the rest of society? If an armed gang member tries to handcuff me at gunpoint and throw me in the back of his car, I can legally defend myself.

Do you really not see the difference?

It makes sense because people are acting like Cops are slaughtering African Americans en masse.

Cops killed 214 Black People in 2014, and that's going by estimates made by Progressives

Black people killed 2,205 Black People in 2014, and that's going by Eric Holders own FBI

Black people killed Black people at a rate 10x higher, and that is straight up murder. That is compared with Cops who shoot in self defense. I don't know how many shootings most of you believe are not justified, but lets throw some crazy ridiculous number. Let's say Half of shootings are not legally justified. Black people still kill Black people at a rate 20 times higher than the rate cops kill Black people. Yet how come we never hear about that atrocious rate?

I get it, I get it, Police are sworn officers, they're supposed to be held accountable, they're supposed to have all this amazing ninja training in disarming coked up criminals or taking them down, but the fact remains that for every Black person killed by cops, 20 more are killed by fellow black people. That's why this little mural is ridiculous. It's perpetuating a myth that Police are overtly racist, and they are targetting literally black children. Sorry, no matter which way you twist it, Trayvon Martin (who wasn't even killed by a cop), and Michael Brown weren't the "children" you believe them to be. Martin was an up and coming "gangster" who had a history of recording and organizing fights and was on suspension for selling drugs at school. Michael Brown was a 300 pound MAN who just robbed a liquor store. Don't care how much training you have, when you can take down and arrest a 300 pound man with mace and a billy club that you can't hit him in the face with, get back at me.

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