posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 11:16 AM
Syria is an artifical entity that was created to protect and serve the interests of Western Powers who currently have no ability to protect their
little " Colony " in the heart of Mesopotamia .
Truth is the last 100 years was a failure on the part of those who have created these artificial countries , Libya , Iraq , Syria , Jordan , Saudi
Arabia , etc etc .
All Syrians were Ottomans only 100 years ago and the last 100 years of Ba'ath Party rule has brought nothing but oppression to locals .
If Syrians were united behind Asad and Ba'ath Party then foreign mercenaries would have found no gorunds to operate .
Syrian people don't want Asad and Co ; whatever Syrians might want is not relevant in Syria ; Asad & Co rules still applies .
Syrians Kurds were treated worse the donkeys under Asad . They would not even get a birth certificate issued by government preciesly because they
were/are Kurds .
Russia - Iran - China are defending Asad's regime ; anyone with a sane head can see what that means in real politik .
This issue seems to bring out the ignorance of some users rather well .