Uuugh...incredible how so many people today have gone so soft and pussified.What happened to just shrugging off comments you don't like,and thinking
to yourself "What a stupid douchebag" and getting on with your day? What is With people these days,is there something in the water that has completely
dissolved peoples' spines? Or have i missed something-is it Fun to give your personal power up to others while you cower in your safe space whining
and weeping into your soecial little hotline? I remember when hotlines were for rape or domestic violence victims.Or if a company's product sucked,you
could rant to them about your money wasted.Which are all things to Really be very upset about.
Ah donno Rax maybe am just getting old, not the kinda git off my lawn old, but old enough to remember men don't cry..at-least anything outside death
of a love one ,but dang today everrry body whines and need that safe space or is it a security blanket and pacifier.
enjoy your safe space..
edit on 25-3-2016 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)